Chapter Twelve

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When we arrived at the hospital I lied to the staff and told them I was Cole's sister so that I could stay with him. When they took him away for an MRI I called his family to let them know what happened. All I told them was that Cole had gotten into a fight. I was too much of a coward to add that the fight was over me, and that it was all my fault that it happened in the first place.

I walked out to the visitors lounge and grabbed a cup of ice water. I found the nearest chair and flopped down into it. With my eyes closed, I took slow sips of the water, concentrating on the feeling of it trickling down my throat and into my stomach. It growled in response and I realized that the sip of water is the only thing I'd had all day. I opened my eyes and assessed my surroundings. There were two vending machines buzzing in the far right corner of the room. I fished some change out of my pocket and got a Snickers and a grape soda. "This outta keep me awake tonight." I whispered to myself as I made my way back towards Cole's room. By then Cole's parents had already made it and thankfully didn't blow my cover when the nurses told them that Cole's sister had already arrived.

The doctor was talking to his parents when I entered the room.

"He has a severe concussion, several fractured facial bones, we're going to have to do surgery...he's awake now if you'd like to see him before we take him back to the operating room."

We all followed the doctor to the the pre op area. Cole was awake but extremely drowsy from the strong pain meds they were pumping through him. I stood aside while Coles parents assessed their bruised and beaten son. Bruised and beaten because of me...

The nurse informed us all that it was time to take Cole back, as they pushed his bed away, Cole reached out for me, I grabbed his hand and walked alongside until we reached the door to the OR. I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Coles forehead before they took him away.

I walked with Coles parents back to the waiting room, their expressions full of worry. Guilt washed over me once more. Just then Coles mother embraced me...

"I'm so glad you were there when this fight happened...he could have been killed! Thank you for taking care of him..." her voice shook as she spoke softly so that only I could hear.

I wanted so badly to tell them the truth...that I had been the cause of the incident that lead Cole here, but I couldn't bear to tell the truth... instead, I hugged her back and assured her that everything would be okay. I volunteered to go fetch coffee for everyone and left before they could refuse.

I ordered my coffee and took a seat at a small booth in a corner furthest from everyone else in the cafeteria. I took a large gulp of the coffee, it was scalding hot, but I swallowed it down anyway, silently punishing myself for being such a selfish coward. I watched the hustle and bustle of the hospital around me. I closed my eyes and whispered another prayer for Cole. When I opened my eyes, Brant was standing right there in front of me. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I was stunned that this man had the nerve to show up here after today.

"Jess..." , Brant started, but I didn't give him a chance to utter another syllable.

"No. Don't speak", I nearly shouted. I asked you to stop today...begged you. Instead you forced Chase to hold me back and make me watch as you beat Cole nearly to death! He's in surgery right now because of all the broken bones in his face...because of, because of me. I should have never gotten involved with you...I knew it was a bad idea.

A pained expression washed over Brants face and instantly I wanted to take back what I had said. He looked at me in the eye for a moment, then down at the table as he tucked his hands in his pockets.

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