Chapter Nine

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Brant placed me gently onto the bed, still kissing me. He stopped only to pull his shirt up over his head and finally give me a glimpse of that perfect six pack. 'Dear God...' My subconscious whispered as I took in the view of this beautiful man in front of me. Brant reached for his pants, unbuttoned, and kicked them off. I watched in awe as his muscles twitched and rippled with every movement. Before I knew it he was back on top of me, kissing me from my collar bone, up my neck. He stopped to kiss and gently pull my earlobe between his teeth. I jumped at the sensation. He stopped and looked up at me...

"Are you ok?", Brant asked me.

He had me so worked up that I didn't realize how quick and loud my breathing had become. I swallowed hard and nodded for him to continue.

He pulled me up from my back and helped me to remove my T shirt. He reached for my bra and paused again, asking for permission, I reached back and unhooked the bra and let it fall to the bed. Brant stopped for a moment, looking at my body... I blushed and let my long hair fall over my shoulder to partially cover myself, embarrassed. He looked into my eyes and leaned down to give me the sweetest most tender kiss.

He reached down and gently pushed my hair away, uncovering my breasts again. "You're beautiful..." He whispered, before again placing sweet kisses on my collar bone, shoulders, down the middle of my chest, before finally moving his mouth over my breasts. The sensations were so overwhelming that I couldn't keep the soft moan in the back of my throat from escaping. This seemed to make Brant even more eager as he reached down to unbutton my pants, both of us panting in anticipation of what was coming. I lifted my hips from the bed to aid him in undressing me. He slid my old blue jeans off and tossed them to the ground. Next he slid my boy short panties off and let them fall. Now completely naked and exposed, I felt more vulnerable than ever.

Brant wasn't staring at my exposed body with lust as I'd expected, instead he was looking deep into my eyes with an expression I couldn't quite place. Before I had any more time to study it, Brant was placing soft kisses on my knees, slowly working his way down the inside of my thighs before almost reaching my sweet core...

I panicked..."oh! Um..." I said, placing my hand on his arm, to stop him.

"What is it?" Brant asked gently.

"It's just that...I...don't know.", it was all I could manage to say. I was completely out of my comfort zone. Cole had gone down on me a handful of times in our relationship, and although I always enjoyed it, I was never able to orgasm from it. We had given each other our virginity, so we weren't exactly experienced in oral sex, and so we rarely went there as a result. I didn't know how to calm my nerves. It felt as though this were my first time all over again.

"Jess, I'd never do anything you didn't feel comfortable with, but I just want you to know that you're absolutely perfect, and I don't want you to feel like you have any reason so be self conscious..."

It was all I needed to hear, I slowly released my grip on Brant's arm and gently nodded for him to continue.

Once he was sure I was okay, he pushed me flat on the bed so that I wasn't leaning on my elbows anymore, and he continued kissing me, again starting at my knees and working his way down my inner thighs, finally reaching my spot once more. My heart was thumbing through my chest. I felt his mouth close around me, and my body immediately responded, squirming with every twitch of his tongue. It was a sensation that I wasn't at all use to, and I had never felt like I wasn't in control of my body, but it seemed to respond to Brant at every move. I grabbed fistfuls of the sheets beneath me to try and steady myself as I felt warmth rushing to my core and a pressure building with every movement of his tongue. I began to pant louder and louder which seemed to motivate Brant even more as he pushed my thighs towards my chest, opening my body up to him even more and forcing me to surrender to him completely. I moaned from that thought alone. I felt Brant sliding his hand to my core, he circled my growing wetness with a finger before sliding one inside of me to his last knuckle. Sighing with pleasure, I bucked off the bed to meet each gentle thrust of his finger. Brant began moving his finger in a 'come here' motion causing me to gasp and moan in response. He looked up with a knowing expression in his eyes that read, "that's the spot, huh" I bit my bottom lip and buried a hand in Brant's hair and tugged gently. He had me right on the edge, my legs began to quiver and my hips rocked and swayed along with each flick of his tongue... "oh...oh...I'm gonna..." I gasped, bracing myself. Brant groaned in response and kept on, determined to get me there.  I unraveled beneath him, "oh god...mmmm...", I whimpered, grasping at the sheets again and holding on for dear life. Brant slowed his pace and watched as my orgasm spiraled through me, the sensations I was experiencing were unlike any I'd ever had. I felt as though I knew my body pretty well. I had made myself come almost daily—been experimenting with sex since I was 16, but I had no idea what my body was capable of until this moment. I lay there stunned, watching as Brant mastered the body I'd explored and experimented with for years in less than 10 minutes. He didn't stop until he was sure I'd come down from my orgasm completely. I was still panting heavily when he finally released me, a satisfied grin spread across his face. "How was that for you?" , he asked quietly, before kissing his way back up my body and resting his weight on top of me. His face was just inches from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my lips, riling me up again.

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