Chapter Eight

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I drove to work with my windows down and the radio off. I took time to admire the scenery around me as I inhaled the fresh air blowing in, still a little cool from the night before. As I pulled into the driveway, Brant came out of his house to greet me.

"How ya feelin', Jess?"

"I'm just fine, Brant", I replied, closing my car door behind me.

He looked at me for a moment as if reading me for a lie. I welcomed the eye contact, but before long, Brant looked away with the same expression on his face as the day before. 'What the hell is going on inside his head' I thought.

"So your boyfriend took good care of you then?"

I understood then why he was acting so strange, he was still under the impression that what Cole said two days ago was true. I couldn't help but smile though, because I could see right through him now, and I knew that he was jealous at the thought that I was taken. It was a relief to know that there was some sort of feeling in there for the real ME, and not a Kelsey lookalike.

"What are you smiling about?", he asked.

"Cole is NOT my boyfriend, he's my ex, and I assume he said what he said the other day because he felt threatened by you." I watched Brant's facial expression soften, and he began to smile, too.

"So why did he show up yesterday out of the blue then?", he questioned.

"He's been trying to talk to me for a few days, and I didn't get back to him since I didn't have a phone, so he assumed I was ignoring him and decided to come speak to me in person, I guess."

"Ah, I see..." I watched as Brant pondered the situation for a few before asking me inside for coffee which I of course agreed to.

Chase was already sitting at the dining room table staring at his phone when we made our way inside. He didn't notice my presence until I pulled the chair out right next to him. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Heyyyyy there, pretty lady! Good to have you back!"

"Thank you, thank you! So tell me all about this date!", I squealed.

Chase blushed and went on to tell me all about the amazing night they had that ended with them sharing a kiss and watching the sun set from his bass boat out on the lake. I was completely absorbed, I would have never guessed Chase was so shy and sensitive.

"Awwwwwwwww", Brant mocked from the kitchen, which made Chase blush even more.

"Shut the hell up, Brant!", Chase snapped, before heading out the door to start the work day.

Brant and I shared a smile and I sipped at my coffee, still picturing Chase's date as he described it. It reminded me of my first date with Cole. The way he was then, such a gentleman, so thoughtful and sweet. Just like Chase now, but something had changed in Cole, and although I wished it hadn't, I had to accept the fact that the man who was once my knight in shining armor was now a stranger to me.

Brant sat down at the table in the seat right across from me and gulped down what was left of his coffee.

"So you're feeling well enough to work today, huh?" He asked.

"Yep, I feel fine!", I reassured him.

"Well, Instead of working in the barn today, I had something else in mind for you."

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