My name is Bela. My sister Lexa and I were born Natblidas, which meant that at some point in our lives we had to fight each other to the death and see who would become the next commander.
We both started our training at the age of 2. The flamekeipa, Master Titus trained us as children. It was no doubt that lexa was his favorite. I decided to become Indra's second, she became like my mother when mine died. Her daughter Gaia and I become very good friends until one day, Gaia decided that being a warrior was not what she wanted. So she left.
Luna was another Natblida, we'd been friends since birth, trained together, laughed together, hurt together. Everything you could think of, we did together. Luna, Lexa, and I were inseparable. Luna and I were 17 while Lexa was 16 when we were invited to participate in the conclave. We knew that meant only one of us would survive. I couldn't kill my little sister and Luna couldn't kill her friend so we fled, leaving 16 year old lexa to become the commander. I don't know where luna went but, as for me, a boy around my age found me and took care of me as if I was his little sister. Till this day, I see him as a brother. His name is Lincoln.
He knew it wasn't safe for me in polis, so we live in a cave that's a safe distance from the tower. Occasionally I will visit polis for supplies but I have to fake my identity so I prefer to stay here. Everything's pretty quiet and relaxed so I'm happy here, everything's normal and I don't have to kill anyone, ever. At least that was until today that a ship from the sky dropped almost right next to our cave.Hi everyone, this is my first book, I just really wanted to try this out and also give you some background information on Bela and her life story. Hope you like it.

Since Day One
AdventureIn this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...