Part 35. Thirteen

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The next morning I woke up early trying to see if I could escape the tower, taken from my conversation with my sister, I was now her prisoner.

As I grabbed my sword from the bed I quietly sneaked out of my room that shockingly was unlocked.

As I got out I made my way to the elevator.

"Going somewhere?" Lexa asked from behind me.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked her annoyed that she'd found me as I turned around to look at her.

"Training, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Taken as I'm my little sisters prisoner." I emphasized, "I thought maybe I'd sneak out and see how the woman who trained me was recovering."

"When are you going to talk to me, without acting like we're not family." Lexa brought up.

"You know how much I hate myself for the things I've done, the things you mentioned, and yet you bring them up. I hate myself enough, you don't need to as well." I explained.

"I'm sorry Bel. If I could take those words back I would but I can't." Lexa apologized.

"You've always been the one everyone favors Lexa, you're the perfect balance of strength and mercy. And I'm proud of you for that, but I'm not, in everyone's eyes I'm just a killer who was over whelmed by her feelings in a conclave I fled. I'm just, a killer. But to Skaikru, I'm the 'good grounder' and I managed to come back, to you, I got a second chance, and I won't let you ir anyone else take that from me." I answered.

"I hope someday you forgive me." Lexa said to me.

"I will, just not today." I answered as I pressed the button to bring up the elevator.

I stepped inside and as I saw the doors close I saw Lexa standing there.

As I walked through the streets of polis, people smiled, children laughed and played. All sorts of people lived in peace here, this was the polis I remembered, the polis I loved when I was a child.

I stopped at a small shop and bought some fish from the woman and her son. She seemed fearful as she bowed down to me. Seems my reputation followed me everywhere I went.

"I'm not here to kill you, and I'm not the commander." I explained to her.

She cautiously stood back up.

I nodded thankfully as I left some coins in her hand.

When I made it to Indras tent I saw her lying down.

"I brought lunch." I said cheerfully as I set it on a plate to her and then handed it to her.

"What are you doing here?" Indra asked me coldly.

"I've come to honor the woman who made me who I am today." I encouraged.

"She's not here. Now go away." Indra ordered.

"I'm not your second anymore Indra, but I still respect you, I admire you. But that was before I saw your behavior when you were injured." I said to her.

"You taught me a warrior must be strong all the time, right now, it just seems like you've given up on yourself." I added.

"I trained you well, I'm glad you remember my teachings, but don't you dare use them against me." Indra demanded.

"What so they only work when your not the one who's effected?" I asked.

"Look at me! I'm weaker than ever." Indra explained.

"That only means there's room for improvement." I said softly, remembering something my mother used to say to me as a child.

"Your mother used to say that." Indra remembered.

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