"So... what's your name princess" Bellamy asked as he walked next to me.
All I wanted to do was get to the bridge and be done with this boy. I keep quiet in hopes that he doesn't keep insisting.
Of course, he doesn't "Well, that's Raven, and that's Jasper" Bellamy points at the 2 teenagers behind us, they seem to be distracted with each other as they don't react when Bellamy calls out their names.
"Bela, my name is, Bela" I say softly without looking at him.
I can feel Bellamy looking at me, I guess he was trying to make up for his earlier actions as he says "It's beautiful... what does it mean?"
I keep my answers short "Destruction". Bellamy takes his eyes off me and smiles "Seems to fit you well princess".
"You know nothing about me, I've never done anything to you but help, if anything, the only form of destruction here is you." I tell him.
He looks guilty and ashamed, I think about what Finn had said earlier and figured that I had to get along with these people to achieve peace.
"I'm sorry, I truly am" Bellamy pleads as he looks at me, his eyes full of guilt and regret. I can tell that his apologies are genuine.
Finn said to learn from the past instead of repeating it so I decide to forgive Bellamy "It's fine, you were just doing what you thought was necessary". I can see a small smile reappear on his face and notice the suns going up. " Ok we're almost there, so be quiet" I announce to every one.
Raven and Jasper catch up to me and Bellamy.
"Will you look at that, grounder Princess did help after all" raven says as a small laugh escapes her mouth. I can't help but smile a little and say "I don't lie".————————————
We arrive at the bridge but hide in some bushes so we don't call any attention. I relax as I see Lincoln hugging Octavia with Finn and Clarke standing behind them.
"What the hell is Octavia doing here?" Bellamy whispers as he starts to get up, I know that if I don't stop him he'll ruin the whole thing.
I take his hand and pull him down "You'll ruin everything, just trust them" I tell Bellamy. He looks at me hesitant to trust me but I slowly let go of his hand and he doesn't go anywhere. Our eyes go back to the bridge and Raven sees someone coming "Look". It's Anya and her guards on horses. I can see the shock in everyone's face but I'm just nervous anyone will see me.
We all stay quiet and watch Clarke and Anya meet in the middle of the bridge. I strain myself to try and listen to what they're saying but it's too far. I see Anya start to get mad but she doesn't make any sudden movements. "Grounder princess looks pissed" Raven says as she points her gun at Anya.
"Our princess has that affect" Bellamy says. "Both of you shut up" I whisper to Bellamy and Raven, I manage to see something in the trees and it looks like so does Jasper because he searches for something in the trees with the magnifier in his gun. "Oh no. No this is bad." Jasper says as he realizes what's in the trees. "There's grounders in the trees" he explains.
"What, where?" Raven and Bellamy say as they start looking around. "They're gonna shoot! Clarke, run!" Jasper screams. He runs out of our hiding spot and starts shooting.The second the first bullet is fired, arrows, rocks, guns fly everywhere . Bellamy and Raven help but they run out of bullets, I notice that Clarke and Finn started running back and so did Bellamy Raven and Jasper. My eyes finally land on Lincoln, he's alone on the bridge with an arrow sticking out of him. I run as fast as I can to Lincoln.
"Lincoln! Are you ok?" I drop to my knees next to him and check making sure he's ok.
"It's just a scratch" Lincoln tells me with a small smile. He uses me as support to stand up.

Since Day One
AbenteuerIn this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...