In this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...
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I open my eyes and I feel rested. I can tell that it's late because Lincoln had just started a fire and it's very outside it's dark. My leg felt much better and I could walk perfectly fine.
"Great, your up, how are you feeling?" Lincoln asks me as I stand up.
"I'm perfect, ready to go" I say cheerfully as I grab my pack and a hiking stick.
"We can wait until tomorrow if you want, that way your fully healed" Lincoln worriedly asks me.
"I'm already fully healed. Lincoln stop worrying, we can go now" I eagerly tell him.
"Ok ok fine let's go just let me quick-" Lincoln's words are interrupted by Finns voice.
I turn around and see Finn running in, he was worried and tired.
"Lincoln, you made it!" Finn says surprised to see him here with me.
"I told you to leave" Lincoln says firmly.
"We tried, the scouts were already there" Finn answers, panting trying to catch his breath.
Before I can say anything I hear Bellamys voice coming from Finns pocket "sterling do you copy?"
"What is that?" I ask Finn. He hands me a small box, a radio. I had seen these before. They work to communicate well. Once I have the radio in my hand there's people talking all over the place. I can hear screaming, and shooting. I can tell it's bad out there. The war had started.
"Why are you not there?" I ask Finn acknowledging that he's not helping his people.
"Raven was shot, we need medicine to stop the bleeding" he says with worry in his eyes.
"You came to save one life?" Lincoln says. We both knew that in battle, we have to sacrifice the few to save the many, so what Finn had just done was stupid, at least to me it was.
"I don't have time to explain, do you have the Medicine or not?" Finn answers quickly.
"We have it" I tell him as I start to pull a vial out of my backpack.
"Fall back." "No stand your ground, if they take the gate, we're all dead" I can recognize Bellamys voice over the radio.
I felt horrible by just imagining what was going on out there. "I'm coming with you let's go" I tell Finn. I wasn't going to let them all die without trying to save them. Lincoln gives me a nod of agreement and we both grab our weapons.
"Finn let's move!" I order him, we had to go know if we were going to help Skaikru.
"How far did the reapers chase you?" Finn asks Lincoln.