In this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...
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Lincoln had gone to fetch some food for the both of us but I decided to stay. Meanwhile I was preparing weapons as a trade with polis when Lincoln burst through the door.
"BELA! Help me get her inside"
I looked up to where the door was and saw lincoln in his warrior clothing, but not only that,he was also carrying a girl.
She was hurt. Seemed to be passed out. Stunning as well,although the blood I assumed must be hers, covered her face.
She had decent sized green eyes, long brown hair. The more I looked at her, the more she looked familiar.
She was a sky person. She had been one of the kids that came from the ship. I was shocked that Lincoln had brought her in after he specifically told me that it wasn't safe. My thoughts were interrupted by Lincoln,
"BELA!... NOW"
The door is located more on the ceiling than on the side so I unlock it and Lincoln sets her in my arms.
While Lincoln comes in, I set the girl against the wall, gently, so she doesn't wake up.
Once Lincoln is inside and I see that he's ok I start to put two and two together. "You didn't go hunting, did you brother" I ask him while I examine the girls leg.
Lincoln completely ignored my question and instead asks me, "Is she hurt?" I notice that her leg is badly injured so I tell Lincoln what happened "Her leg. It's bad, but if we get some heat it could help" I take my sword and put it over the fire we had started earlier, "This should help, just have to wait until it's hot enough"
"I found her outside, looks like she fell" Lincoln told me trying to justify the fact that he had brought in an outsider. "She could be dangerous" I look at the girl whose still passed out not even believing myself. She looked like a typical 17 year old girl who was just exploring the woods. She reminded me of myself.
Lincoln answered me, "Look at her bel, you really think she's dangerous?" He obviously knew what I was thinking.
"I thought we had agreed, no interaction with sky people"
He looks at me expectantly, probably wanting me to agree with him. I end up giving in and when I'm about speak up we notice that the girl wakes up. She groans as she touches her leg. She seems confused as to where she is and she looks around the room. I get my sword ready and out of the fire, I then approach her without a sound.
She finally acknowledges me and seems scared. I don't blame her for being scared of me, but I don't try to calm her down either. I just keep walking towards her.
She tries to stand up and get away from me but she just immediately falls and let's out a small grunt. She starts to give up on getting away.
"Please, please don't hurt me" she begs as she puts out her hand in front of her trying to keep me away. "Please don't—" she doesn't complete her sentence as I pull her leg and she lets out a painful scream. "No! NO! NO!" Once again she tries to get away from me but I adjust my grip.
I pull out the sword I had heated earlier. The girl keeps trying to escape so with one arm I keep her down and with the other I get ready for the sword to make contact with her leg.
"NO! NO!" She keeps screaming and begging, but she's helpless. In that moment I realize how weak these people are. They have no training, no concept of these woods. They have no idea what they just got into by just being here.
The sword makes contact with her leg and she lets out a loud and painful scream. I don't react because I know this is to help her but I still feel kind of guilty. She passes out and I guess it's because the pain was too much for her to handle. Once the heat does it's job. I wrap her leg in a cloth so it heals and I go back to Lincoln.
I know that so far this isn't to interesting but I'm just trying to introduce the characters, then it'll get more interesting :)