Part 71. The dark Year

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I was a little more at peace now, knowing that Indra, Gaia, and Bellamy weren't prisoners anymore, but I still can't sleep. I lay in my back on the bed thinking about everything that happening, everything that could happen. I reach for Lexas ring on my finger but I don't feel it.

I immediately sit up and check if I dropped it on the bed or on the floor, but I can't seem to find it. I stand up and quietly top toe out of the room, trying not to wake up Ethan.

I must've dropped it outside when I was letting Clarke and the girls go.

As I climbed over the debris to get out, it was dark but the candles from inside slightly illuminated the darkness.

I walked further and further from the bunker, finally reaching what might be the last building that wasn't completely destroyed I realized, I haven't gone farther than this with the ring.

So instead, I turn around and maybe as I walk back I'll find it. My head was facing down as I scanned the ground for anything until I bumped into something, or someone.

I looked up to see none other than Bellamy Blake, "What are you doing out so late?"

"I could ask you the same question." I dodged his question.

"I couldn't sleep." He answered casually, as if he does this every night.

"I was just looking for my ring, it looks like this one." I said as I extended my other hand and showed him lunas ring. He obviously already knew what it looked like.

"Here, I'll help you look." Bellamy said as he began wandering around the building, looking around the ground. I did the same and for a few minutes we looked and looked but found nothing. I turned around to find Bellamy and tell him we should probably look somewhere else but he was already behind me.

I felt a few raindrops run down my cheek and I looked up, within a few seconds it was pouring so hard you'd think god was crying. We were both already drenched as the water came down.

I was only wearing my tank top and cargo pants so now I'm obviously freezing.

"We should probably go inside." I shouted over the rain so he could hear me.

His hair was wet and his beige t-shirt was sticking to his skin revealing even more of his body than before.

"No it'll clear up. We'll find you ring." He shouted back.

I looked around us, not a single sign of the water stopping any time soon. Just me getting colder and colder by the second.

I look at Bellamy who's eyes are already look into my own. We look at each other for what feels like an eternity until we both lean in for a kiss.

As our lips collide with each other, I wrap my arms around his neck and let them rest there lazily, his grip around my waist tightening as he pulls our bodies closer together.

Every droplet of water didn't seem as cold when it ran down my skin, I felt warm and tingly inside as he kissed me, knowing all the right places and holding me tightly.

No matter how hard our lives were, every time I was merely around him I felt like we could do anything, his lips against mine made me feel like that happiest woman in the world.

A small grin plastered on my face as I kissed him but then slowly pulled away, I didn't let go of him and he didn't let go of me.

"I love you too." I said in my regular voice. I finally got the chance to tell him, with no interruptions, no problems, just him and I, right here.

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