Once we were at the cave it had become dark. We'd received a radio call for Jasper telling us Arkadia wasn't safe anymore because people were being chipped with some technology that mind controlled them. Raven seemed to take this chip and was no in danger so Jasper was bringing her here.
Octavia got up and began packing her things.
"O., wait. You can't just leave." Bellamy said in attempts to stop her.
"Watch me." She said without turning to look at him.
"You heard what Jasper said on that radio. Arkadia is not safe anymore." Bellamy argued.
"What Jasper said sounds insane." Octavia challenged. She's right, "pikes gone, I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead."
"I know that, and then what? Where you gonna go?" Bellamy asked her.
"You don't get to ask me that." Octavia answered him.
"What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?" Bellamy told her as he lowered his voice but I could still hear him.
"Bring Lincoln back." Octavia said as she walked past Bellamy.
"Turning Pike in doesn't make you one of the good guys, Bellamy." Octavia added when she turned around, "You did that to save Bela and I. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong."
"The grounders we're starving us out." Bellamy defended. How could he even have the courage to defend himself right now, he's the reason they were starving them out.
"Because you massacred an army sent to protect us?" Octavia argued.
"That army could've attacked at any time and you know it." Bellamy continued.
"But they didn't attack! You did that." Octavia yelled at him, "you were hurting and you lashed out because that's what you do. There are consequences, bell. People get hurt. People die, your people. Monroe's dead, Lincoln's dead." My hear ached as she accepted his death, it just made it even more real.
As she looked at Bellamy, waiting for him to say something, he didn't. She seemed disappointed before turning around and walking out.
I stood up, seethed my sword, and grabbed my pack before going after Octavia.
"What; you too?" Bellamy asked as he turned to me.
I felt his eyes examine me as I headed for the exit but I couldn't pull myself together to look at him, but I could answer.
"I won't just sit there and let your sister die."
Once I was outside I caught up to Octavia, "You don't have to come with me."
I remembered the promise I made to Lincoln, to keep her safe, "No. I'm here to stay Octavia."
We were merely a few feet from the cave when we heard the river come up.
"They're here." Sinclair announced as he made his way to the rover.
I wanted to go help them help Raven but Octavia didn't budge so neither did I.
I was shocked as I saw Clarke get out of the rover.
"Need your help!" Jasper shouted as he hopped out, "we have to get her inside before she wakes up!"
I saw how Octavia looked at Raven. She was going to budge, so I ran over to Jasper and helped him carry Raven.
"We're you followed?" I asked him.
"I don't know maybe." Jasper answered me.
"Give her here." Bellamy told Jasper as he extended his arms for him to drop Raven into his arms.

Since Day One
AdventureIn this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...