Part 19. "Peace"

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Night had fallen and Finn had come into Lexa's position. Although I had come to care for Clarke, Lexa is my sister, I will choose her over everything and anything.

I stayed in the tent with Lexa and I knowing that fire torches were lit outside and Finn awaited his death.

"It's time bel" Lexa said as we walked outside. I kept ahold of my sword, still not fully trusting Lexa's guards but I knew that behind her o was some what safe.

As we walked out, Indra was bleeding Clarke as she stood fearless against the Army.

"Let her pass" My sister exclaimed, and just like that, Indra and everyone else stepped back, allowing Clarke to approach my sister and I.

"You bleed for nothing. You cannot stop this" Lexa said as Clarke looked at her, I assume she had no idea what to say.

"No, only you can" Clarke responded.

At that moment, screams and proud war cries were heard throughout the camp, as I turned around I saw the motive. Finn was being brought out by 2 guards, tied up by his wrists. They came at a stop in front of a wooden pole and tied Finn up with his arms over his head. The 3 of us looked his way and then back.

"Show my people, how powerful you are" Clarke asked, knowing that her people were looking from afar. "Show them that you can be merciful,show them your not a savage" I was slightly offended at Clarke's words. My sister wasn't a savage for surviving, if anything, Finn was the savage for murdering so many people just for her.

"We are what we are." Lexa said coldly, without showing any sort of emotion.

"Then im a killer, I burned 300 of your people, I slit a mans throat, and watched him die, I'm soaked in grounder blood, take me." Clarke said defending Finn as much as possible, I knew how this would end, Finn would end up dead and there is nothing anyone could do about it.

"Finn is guilty" Lexa responded.

"No. He did it. For me" Clarke said desperately, "he did it for me" she cried, tears falling down her face.

"Then he dies for you" My sister affirmed.

There was a long pause as all that could be here was chanting and cheering that the boy would be dead.

"Can I at least say goodbye" Clarke asked.

Lexa nodded and we watched as Clarke walked up to Finn and said her goodbyes.

"Your doing what has to be done" I whispered to my sister as I knew that every life she took hurt her deeply.

Clarke stepped away from Finn but he was bleeding, his head fell cold, dead. Clarke must've killed him. I was shocked at her actions but I understood her reasons.

Everyone began to ran towards Clarke and prepare to attack but Lexa lifter her arm, signaling them to halt.

"It is done" Lexa ordered them.

I could hear Ravens screams from behind the fence. Her pain was horrible to hear, and it broke me to hear the pain she was going through. Everyone was clearly shocked at the current situation.


Everyone settled down and some of Clarke's people came down. Lexa, Indra, Gustus and I entered Lexa's tent. Clarke was sitting there with Abby and Kane. I stood by Indras side as Lexa took a seat in her throne.

"Blood has answered blood, some on my side say that's not enough, they wanted the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands, but, they do not know that your suffering is worse, what you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days, still, there will be restitutions. The body will be given to the people of Tondc. Murderer and murderer side by side, lit by fire, only then can we have our peace" Lexa explained to Clarke.

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