Part 54. God Complex

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We all watched as the man laid unconscious in the radiation chamber.

"Vital signs are strong." Abby said whilst she read the tablet in her hand, "Jackson, set the chamber."

"Copy that." Jackson said as he closed the glass opening for the chamber he walked away to join the rest of us, away from the chamber. "It's ready."

"Yeah, but are we." Raven spoke. There was a moment of silence between us, none of us is ready. "The guys a monster." Emori jumped in. "We've been over this. None of us wants to do this but the death wave will be here in 10 days. Velas stem cells graph successfully. Baylis is making nightblood on his own. This really is our only hope." Clarke tried to convince us all. "We really still talking about this? Black rain is already here. 18 people died in it yesterday at Arkadia, so if nightblood can let us walk around in it, I for one want to know about it." Murphy said. So did I, what if I could just walk outside with no pain whatsoever.

We looked at each other, this was our only chance, we need to do this. "Ok. Jackson, proceed." Abby told Jackson. "Copy that." He answered as he turned back to the chamber, "Initiating. 500 rem." Nothing happened. "850. This where we'd see symptoms in a non-nightblood." Clarke moved closer to the chamber, trying to see any changes, "Bp is 100 over 50, body temp is 98.7. Resting comfortably." Abby read out his vital signs. "No visible effects." Clarke said. "1000 rem. 1500." Still nothing, maybe this could truly work. "All good here." Abby said. "2000 rem, the level of the black rain."

"Still nothing." Clarke reassured, "It's working." "2500."

"Wait!" Abby exclaimed, the ueartbeat was getting faster and there was much to red on that screen. "No." Clarke said to herself in denial, "Turn it off!" She ordered. Jackson flipped the switch but the Baylis began screaming, patches of red filled his body, radiation burns. He screamed in pain so I reached for he chamber, "we need to get him out of there."

Jackson grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Wait! It's not safe yet." There's nothing we could do except watch the man die. He began coughing up blood that stained the chamber, after a few seconds of agonizing pain, he fell silent. All you could hear was the flatlining of the machine. We failed.

"What have we done." Abby whispered loudly.

We all walked away from the chamber, far away from the scene, I walked back up to the room where Luna was staying, but no Luna. "You do realize how screwed we are don't you." I recognized Roans voice behind me.
"Thanks for pointing out that obvious fact." I said sarcastically. "End of the world, what would our father think of this huh?" Roan continued to speak.
I looked at him confused, what does he mean, our.
"Indra never told you, my second was the one to tell me." Roan said as he poured himself a bit of moonshine.
"Enough with the smart talk and explain yourself." I told him as I grabbed a cup myself. "You didn't really think Lexa was your full sister did you?" Roan asked genuinely curious. I kept silence and he smiled in shock, "Wow, we'll here's a simple way to put it, we share a father who was murdered by your teacher, Indra." Roan explained. I don't know what to feel, I have a blood related brother, family who isn't dead.

"Well, I guess I could cut down on the hating you part." I smiled. He did the same as he poured another drink of moonshine. "That's be nice, sister." We joined our cups together and then drank. "So technically, you're a nightblood, aka royalty, and your also an Azgeda princess." Roan smirked.

"Hm,  what a life." I said, we'll now there goes another person I had to keep alive, if I have only one family member left might as well get along.


We were all in the main lab, looking at the screen, examining blood samples, waiting to see if we'd survive, or you could be Luna and I and just, feel like your passing out due to the amount of blood loss we're feeling, "I feel like a human pin cushion." I told her. She cracked a little smile at me, "same."

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