Part 46. Echoes

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I got up and decided to go around the capital helping people, comforting them. I saw Clarke and Bellamy finally walk out of the tower so I joined them.

"Is everyone ok up there?" I asked them.

"Yea everything's ok." Clarke assured. There was a moment of silence and I saw a glimpse of Bellamy looking around.

"She'll be ok. Octavia can take care of herself." Clarke told him.

"That's not what im worried about." Bellamy answered her as he kept scanning the city.

"She won't be charged.Everyone will say that Pike had it coming." Clarke continued as she looked at him confused.

"Maybe we all do." Bellamy said as he looked at me.

I broke eye contact and focused on the people once again, "How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through?"

"We don't, not until we know Alie was telling you the truth." Bellamy answered.

"It was the truth." I corrected.

"Still, we keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it." Bellamy decided.

Clarke nodded and went off to help some other people.

Bellamy and I were left alone, all I could think about was Lexa's words. Forgiveness.

"Thank you for keeping me alive Bellamy."

He looked down on me and I could sense his relief. A small smile covered his face as he looked at me. I couldn't help my self. I leaned in closer to him and kissed him.

I melted in his arms, it was somewhat comforting for me not to be mad at him anymore.

I was the first to pull away, he gazed into my eyes and his smile widened.

"Im glad you're ok." He finally spoke.

"I'm not, none of us are because in 6 months we'll all be dead." I explained.

"We'll figure something out, we always do." Bellamy said as he put an arm around my shoulder.

I looked around and saw mostly dead people but not all if them were bleeding, some dead but no external wounds.

"Some of them didn't fall." I pointed out.

Bellamy and I looked at each other concerned, I was afraid to admit what happened but it's true.

When I pulled that lever, most of the people in the city of light died. I did that.

"I killed them."

I felt Bellamy squeeze my hand a little when I spoke.

"But you saved everyone else."


Everyone else had come down and we met up with Clarke, her mom, and Kane,

"Good you're down. We have to go. The rovers in the north woods." Clarke explained.

"What about the wounded." Abby asked.

"Grounders don't want our help. Our people we'll treat at Arkadia." Bellamy told her.

I saw Abby and Kane's face fall, they wanted to help everyone but they couldn't.

"They blame you for all of this, it's not safe for you here." I reminded them.

Before they could say anything we heard Ravens voice in the radio, "Hello? Bellamy please come in."

Bellamy walked away, and I followed alongside Clarke.

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