I had been in this cage for days now. They had taken Anya and extracted blood from her at least 2. She was weak, tired. Barely could talk.
I wasn't sure why, but no ok had taken me yet. Everyone once in a while this woman, doctor Tsing actually, she was the one who would hang us up and take our blood.
Everyday there was people groaning in pain, begging to help. My people.
I had been trying to get out of here for the longest time but there was no use. Nothing to help me pick the lock. I sat there, thinking about Lincoln and Octavia, Bellamy and Finn. I left them all to die while I stayed safe in the drop ship. I obviously wasn't safe here but at least I wasn't dead. All I wanted was for Lincoln to be here with me, telling me everything was going to be ok. He would know what to do.
And Bellamy, Bellamy saved me. Turns out he wasn't as horrible as I thought he was. I left him, he was dead because of me, so was Finn. I couldn't help but blame myself for everything that happened.
If I didn't die here, I knew that this wasn't the end. There would be more fighting, and wether I wanted it or not, I had to be a part of it.
I examined the room even more. The tubes full of blood led to a big metal door. After that door, I couldn't see anything else.
"Bela, are you awake?" While I was here, I had met a girl, her name was Echo, she was Ice Nation. I knew that ice nation was part of the coalition, but Queen Nia hated Lexa more than anything. She killed Costia, Lexa's girlfriend at the time. But that didn't matter in here, Lincoln always said 'one clan, one people'.
"Yea im awake" I answered her as I turned to face her. She was weak, and I could tell they weren't feeding her much.
"Someone's coming, stay quiet and back up" she warned me. I did as she said and did my best not to be seen. Tsing walked closer and closer to us. She had two guards by her side. I thought she was coming towards me but she unlocked Echo's cage. She didn't even scream, just shook her head as a beg to let her go. Her eyes full of fear.
"Hey! Leave her alone" I cut in instantly knowing I had made a mistake. "Oh, looks like we have volunteers now, take her instead" Tsing ordered the guards. I kicked back in my cage and fought back. Hitting the guards as hard as I could and I knew I was winning until a cold metal feeling ran down my back. A sharp sting that hurt like hell.
I fought to stay awake until seconds later I saw the guards taking me and I closed my eyes.
I woke up and everything was up side down. I barely had energy to pull my self up. I had a different view this time, I could see my blood running down the same tubes I saw earlier. I made eye contact with Echo, a look of thanks and guilt filled her face. I tried to assure her that it was ok, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't get the words out, i felt lightheaded and knew that if I wasn't taken off of here I would immediately black out again. Where was Clarke? I just thought of that. Where was Clarke and everyone else, why was I here and not everyone else.
Almost as if I had jinxed out, Clarke falls through a vent. I immediately recognize her as she fell. She doesn't seem to see me ask Ake walks past and starts looking at the cages. I see her start talking to Anya in the distance. "Clarke" I manage to say weekly.
She turns around and looks at me "Bela!" She's about to run to me but a small click sound comes from the door. "Hide" I manage to say.
I know it's Tsing and I also know that if she sees Clarke, all our hope to get out of this place is hopeless.Clarke immediately follows my instructions and scrambles to find something to open the cage door. She gets in with Anya and Tsing comes in. She walks through but my eyes stay on Clarke. She's watching something on the floor, the lock. If Tsing sees that lock, we're done for.

Since Day One
AdventureIn this story, Bela Kom Trikru is a Nightblood who hides from her sister Lexa after she refused to kill her in the conclave at the age of 17. She escapes and Lincoln Kom Trikru ends up taking care of her like his own little sister. Everything goes f...