🥀 ...promise? 🥀

592 17 17

I gently open the door.


What the hell...?

What the hell??

Is this a nightmare?

It... has to be.

This isn't real.

There's no way this can be real.

Sayori wouldn't do this.

Everything was normal up until a few days ago.

That's why I can't believe what my eyes are showing me...!





I wish I could stop pretending.

This always happens. I know it does. 

Sayori dies.

And I just end up hurting myself more and more.

It's just like Monika said.

"You're so persistent."

I know. 

I just don't know why.

I guess it's because nothing else brings me happiness anymore. 

It's so... stupid.

A fictional world is all that makes everything seem worth living. 

Not only that, but I've fallen for a fictional girl.

I hear a sudden crackling noise. 

I ignore it.

I hear it again. Louder.

I look up.

It's a bunch of pixels. Their voice is all static and broken. 

Yet even so,

it's a voice I could never forget.

Even if I wanted to.


There stands Sayori.

And my eyes just fill with tears.

I don't do anything to stop them.

They just roll down my cheeks.

As Sayori stands there, smiling down at me.

It's quiet. All I hear is my heavy breaths every now and then, along with an irritating hiss of static.

"(Y/N). Can you hear me?"

I nod.

Sayori smiles wider. 


She kneels next to me. 

She reaches out, 

and cups my face in her hands.

I don't feel anything.

I don't feel that soft touch of her hands I once did.

It just feels as if nothing is there.

Nothing at all.

"I'm here," She says, almost as if she read my mind. "I am, and always have."

She sits next to me. 

"We may not live in the same world, and probably never will. However,"

She cranes her neck, looking at me with a big, goofy smile.

"I want you to keep living for yourself."

I look at her, before more tears stream down my face. 

She grabs me, and holds me close.

Her embrace isn't as warm as it used to be.

"I... never wanted to die," She continued. "But some things are never meant to be."

It was surprising that I was the one crying, while Sayori just sat there with completely dry cheeks. 

The only thing that gave away her true emotions were her eyes.

They looked cold.


As if she knew the secrets behind this world. 

"You know... Even if we may never truly meet, you're so special to me, and I can't handle the thought of you being willing to do anything, just for me."

She lays her head on my shoulder.

I don't know whether I don't want to talk,

or if I just can't.

Sayori seems aware of that.

She, however, just keeps talking.

"I'd love to live in your world, you know? You don't seem so restricted to one role in life." She smiles softly. "I guess you can say I'm somewhat jealous."

She grabs my chin, and turns my face towards her own.

"I sometimes wonder, what if you find another boy or girl in your world, and you two fall in love?" She seemed to ponder for a moment, before she giggled. "I don't think I would mind. As long as they make you happy, I'll be happy, too."

She used her other hand to wipe away my tears. And for the first time in this corrupt world, I felt her touch.

It wasn't anything special. It just felt like a slight breeze. 

But it brought a smile to my face, and that alone made Sayori smile widely, too.

"I don't know how difficult things can be for you. Are they as difficult as mine, or any of the other girls? Perhaps they're more tame, or... worse?"

She sighed. "Either way, you'll manage. You have to. Your world isn't one where you can just load a save file to avoid something bad happening, right?"

She presses her nose against mine. If I focus a little, I could feel her warm breath on my skin.

"So, please don't leave me. Don't go somewhere where we can't see each other, or acknowledge each other's existence. (Y/N)..." Sayori's cheeks flushed pink, as she gave me an excited smile. "Can you promise me that?"

Then, all of a sudden,

she kissed me.


It felt like the wings of an angel had brushed against my lips.

She keeps on kissing me, as if she was refusing to be parted from me.

But once I close my eyes, that softness is no longer there.

As if Sayori wasn't there to begin with.

But either way,

I smile.

And I open my mouth.

It's barely a whisper,

but I manage to let out a faint

"I promise."

❝Promise?❞ //  [Sayori x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now