🌻 Chapter Thirteen 🌻

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want to be


Alone with


does that



My eyes fluttered open. My sight blurred, and my eyes stung.

I blinked a few times, trying to get my eyes to get used to the light, caused by the morning sun shining through the crack in my curtains.

Once my vision finally cleared up, my heart practically slammed against my chest.

Dear God, how does she manage to be so beautiful?

I let my thumb brush against Sayori's cheek, before leaning in and planting a kiss on her forehead.

I didn't quite expect her to stir, but she mumbled quietly, and rubbed her eye, before opening both her eyes slowly. She still seemed to be sleepy, due to how clouded her azure eyes were, but she simply looked at me.

"Huh...? (Y/N)...? Where are we...?"

"We're in my bedroom, silly. Don't you remember? Once we left the hospital, we went to your home to gather your belongings, and brought you over to my house. To put it simply, you moved in."

"Ah!" She immediately sat up, and beamed. "I remember now!"

I chuckled softly, and clasped her hand.

"Anyways, let's get dressed, quickly. We're heading out for breakfast. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Wait, why can't we just eat at home? I'm not saying that I mind if we go out to eat somewhere else, but... why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess it'll be much nicer. Besides, I don't have much food at home, so we'll have to go shopping later on."

"Ooooh, I love shopping~! Okay, we'll do just that!" Sayori got up as quick as a flash, and started digging in her suitcase for her clothes.

I reached over to grab my phone, and slowly read over the notifications I had on my screen, squinting. That's when I hear a loud groan.

I look up. "Sayori? What's wrong?"

"Who knew I sweat so much? My shirt stinks..." She sighed, dropping it, and faced me with a sad smile. "Ehehe, what you must think of me... I'm such a gross, pathetic girl, who can't seem to take care of herself..."

"Now, don't you dare go on about stuff like that again." I got up, picking her shirt off the floor, and sniffed it.

Not to be rude, but... it really did have an unpleasant smell...

"I'll go put this in the wash. For now, I can lend you some of my clothes. Unless you have any left at home, which we can go and collect?"

"No, these are the only clothes I have... I've grown out of the clothes my mother bought for me a while ago, and I can't ever find any motivation to go buy some... Sometimes I don't even have the motivation to head out and buy food, so I just sit there for two days, starving..."

"Well, you're no longer going to live that life. I'll take care of you, Sayori."

Before I had a chance to even take in what was happening, Sayori threw herself against me, arms around my neck, and her lips on mine. I could feel the warm droplets of water brush against my cheeks, as Sayori quietly sobbed into the kiss.

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