🌸 Chapter Two 🌸

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If I

told you

that I would


the very next day,

would you

save me?

"(Y/N)!" Two lithe arms wrapped around my neck, and I had to steady my legs so that I wouldn't fall backwards.

"S-Sayori!" I laughed, curling my fingers around her arms, trying to pry her them from my neck.

"You said you'd wait for me, dummy!"

"Huh? But I did!"

"Then why did you start walking off?"

I sighed softly. "It's not my fault you took so long."

"Well, it's not my fault Monika wanted me to help carry all the supplies we used back to the storage room!"

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll wait next time, even if I have to wait until dusk."

"I would never take that long!" Sayori pouted, pressing her index fingers together. "Are you saying I'm slow?"

"Well, every time I come to your house to pick you up for school, I always have to wait twenty minutes. Fifteen if I'm lucky."

"You're so mean, (Y/N)-Chan~!"

I chuckled, finally getting her to release her grip on me, while ruffling her peach-coloured hair.

"Alright, you silly goose. Let's start heading home now."

She giggled, and her fingers tangled with mine. I closed my eyes, exhaling through my nose quietly. My fingers pressed her palm closer against mine, as I squeezed her soft hand.

One would think we were lovers. But in all honesty... we were just friends.

Childhood friends.

I'll be very honest here - I'm not very social. The only friends I had that still talked to me were all the girls in the literature club. There were four, and all were very dear to me.

Though nobody could ever be closer to me than I am with Sayori. Our friendship was so strong, we could most likely describe every detail about each other's  lives.

The girls liked to ask me who was my favorite out of all four of them. Monika and Yuri would be very understanding, and they'd even flash me a smile.

"Of course, how couldn't I see that? You two go together better than peanut butter and jelly. We can all see how you both adore each other with the look in look in your eyes once your look at one another."

I would always blush once she said that. "You... might want to rephrase that, Monika!"

Though there was Natsuki. Once I politely explained that I was much closer to Sayori than any of them, she would always toss her head or sigh aggressively.

"Hmph. It's not that I like you either, anyway. I was just curious, that's all."

I chuckle, scratching the back of my head. "You know, I didn't say I don't like you..."

"Well too bad! 'Cause I don't like you even one bit!" She'd snap at me. But we both knew that she never truly hated me.

I, myself, never hated anyone. No matter what they did, I just... couldn't bring myself to hate them.

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