🌸 Chapter Ten 🌸

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She has many supplies,

like pens and a stapler,

but she takes

some scissors,

and cuts

me like


(Y i k e s  that's pretty edgy, sorry-)

Where am I..?



I opened my eyes, only to see I was in a bleak, white room. I sat up, groaning in pain as soon as I did.

"Sir/Miss, please, lie down and please don't move your leg!"

My... leg?

Oh, yeah.

I lay back down, as a nurse walked up to my bed. "Are you feeling quite alright?"

"Ah, yes."

"Would you like me to bring you anything? Perhaps a drink of water? Or anything to eat?"

"Yes please, I wouldn't mind a drink. And I don't think I need anything to eat at the moment, thank you."

As the nurse nodded, and was about to walk away, I remembered.

"Oh, um, do you happen to know where my friend is?"

"The one with the peach hair, correct? Oh yes, she's in another ward. She has some injuries to be taken care of."


Sure, the noose could've left a mark, but I don't think she needs any special treatment for it. All she needs is just a bit of help because of her unstable condition, that's all.

I sighed. "And... do you happen to know where my phone is? Sorry for bothering you."

"Don't you worry, it's right here." She picked it off the bedside table, handing it to me. "I will return soon with your glass of water, please inform me if you require anything else."

"Got it, thank you!" I called to her once she walked off.

I sighed, and saw a small light flickering on my phone. Somebody must have messaged me overtime.

I powered my phone on. The battery was somehow at 100%. Somebody must've put it on charge while I was sleeping. 

How considerate.

I looked at the notifications, and saw they were all messages from the girls at the literature club. I clicked to read Monika's first. Once I read through it, I started typing a reply.

Monika 💚

Omg, (Y/N), I do hope you're okay!!! Sayori told me about what happened, and I really hope you recover very soon!! :( 💔 Missing you! xox

Thurs - 20:55

Thank you for your concern, Monika. I suppose all is well, I'm not so sure about when I'm going to leave the hospital, but I really hope it's soon!

Fri - 07:38

Monika replied almost immediately once I hit send.

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