🌼 Chapter Eleven 🌼

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I don't need

a hundred reasons

to give this life

another chance.

The only thing

I need



Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ri-




"Hey, Yuri."

"Oh, (Y/N), is everything alright? Why are you calling? Did something happen? Do you need anything?"

"No, no, don't worry, everything is okay. I just want to speak to you about something."

"O-Oh, well... go ahead!"

"You see, it's about Sayori."

"Oh my! Is she okay?!"

"Hm, I suppose so. But... well, do you happen to know about..." I lowered my voice, holding the phone closer to my trembling lips. "...the cuts on her arms?"

"C-Cuts... on her... arms...?"


I could hear heavy breathing coming from the speaker, followed by a few sniffs. Was Yuri crying?


"Ah! Sorry... Listen, (Y/N), let me know once you get out of hospital. We can talk this through, okay? Please, please just don't hate me!!"

"Yuri, calm down! It's okay, don't panic... Okay, we can talk about it once I have permission to return home. Then, I'll come over to your place, and we can talk, alright? Just don't worry."

There was a short silence.

"Okay, (Y/N). Thank you."



"W-Well, um... I should get going now. I'll... talk to you soon."

"Okay. Bye, Yuri."

"Goodbye, (Y/N)."

I hung up, letting out a long, loud sigh, pressing the phone against my chest.

Yuri isn't a bad person, I know she isn't. I'm sure there's an explanation as to why she could've done such a thing. Sure, it's a horrible thing to do, but I still think I should give her a chance to explain herself.

She really isn't a bad person, I know she's not.

"(Y/N), are you almost done?"

I open the cubicle door, and see Sayori standing by the doorway.

"Ah, sorry."

"Come on, the nurse told me to tell you something." She closed her eyes and smiled. It wasn't like her usual smiles, I could just sense how forced this one was. But she was trying to brighten the mood, that's something she would always do in difficult situations.

I stepped out of the toilets, and slipped my phone into my pocket. Sayori and I walked down the dark corridors in silence, the feeling of misery still hanging in the air.

I looked up at the walls, which had a few sheets of paper hanging around. They were filled with children's drawings, with fairies, cars, princesses and princes - many things that appealed to young children.

But there was one that caught my eye. I stopped walking, only to examine it a bit more.

It was a picture drawn with crayons, and I could tell that a child around six or seven had drawn it.

There was a small girl with a sad expression, with blue lines drawn down her cheeks, obviously representing tears. The girl was covered in blood and bruises, and seemed to be holding a piece of paper. However, another girl was hanging from the ceiling, a rope around her neck. She also had a sad face drawn onto her, and there was a knocked over chair beneath her feet, which where dangling off the ground.

And there, in bold, red letters were the words:

I miss you mommy.

My heart sunk.

All the air seemed to rush out of my lungs.

Tears pricked at my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

I started shaking.

I didn't know this child.

I didn't exactly know the context behind this drawing.

But even so, it felt as if I could understand what she had went through.

But I managed to save what I love.

And she... didn't.

I managed to keep somebody dear to me.

She couldn't.

Sayori was peeking over my shoulder, eyes slightly squinted. She too, was trying not to cry,


I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face, and before I knew it, I was holding Sayori close to me.

She buried her head into my shoulder, while our bodies slowly swayed side to side.

"Don't ever try to leave me again...! I don't ever want to see... t-this..!" I sobbed, holding her even tighter than before.

"I won't, I promise I won't..."

We kept holding each other close, the only sounds that echoed through the corridor being our sobs and sniffles. We stood in silence for a while, before a nurse gently shook us by our shoulders.

"Please return to your rooms, we may have to bring in a patient who has very life-threatening injuries. You two might be blocking the way. Sorry about that."

Sayori sniffed, wiping her tears away with her sleeve. "Alright, sorry for causing you any trouble."

She gave me a slight nod, and started to walk off. I followed, and we continued walking in silence. That is, until I took hold of her hand. She let out a gasp of surprise, looking at me. I looked into her eyes, and gave her a small smile. She returned that smile, before leaning her head against my shoulder.

I didn't feel bothered anymore. 

Sure, we were in a hospital, both of us with painful injuries, but for some reason, I felt... happy.

I close my eyes, and feel my lips twitch into a smile.

Knowing that Sayori is here with me fills me with immense joy. Her hand is gripping mine, and it reminds me of when we were just a pair of silly, foolish little kids.

But those days are gone now. They're all in the past.

The only thing we should be looking at is towards the future.

But I don't care about the past or the future. All I care about is the present.

Because now, I don't have to worry about losing Sayori.

And the future might just be the cause of that... But I won't let it.

I will keep Sayori safe and sound with me.

I won't let the future or the past take Sayori away from me.

Even if it means taking my own life,

I will keep my Sayori safe.

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