🌸 Chapter Six 🌸

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You may not

know this,


I  really

love you.

I'm sorry.

Over the past few days, I had spent lots of time with Sayori. I don't know why, but I feel as if I can't trust her to be all by herself.

But that's okay. I love Sayori. She's the most sweetest, caring and wonderful person that I really don't deserve.

She's made the past few days a complete and utter joy. I would do anything to witness those days again.

We went on a picnic, went to the pond with a loaf of bread to feed the ducks, picked out a few pretty, colourful flowers from a local park, and being the childish sweetheart that Sayori is, she insisted  that we play tag. Once we were out of breath, she tugged me along to some swings in the play park, and we decided to spend the rest of our time outside on them. That is, before a group of young children came up to us, and Sayori asked them if they'd like to hang out with us. (That isn't supposed to be a hanging joke, I swear ;_;). I didn't really want to spend time with a bunch of squealing little kids, but Sayori entertained them until their mother called them over. Then, Sayori ended up having a pleasant conversation with the mother, while I just silently sat on the swing and watched.

Once Sayori joyfully skipped back towards me, she embraced me, causing me to inhale her sweet scent.

"Guess what, (Y/N)? Those children were so cute, I would love to spend more time with them one day! They reminded me of... us, when we were little, you know. I kinda miss those days."

I stroked her hair. "At least we're still friends after all those years, right? I know we had so much fun as little kids, but really," I stood up, and gently pushed Sayori away from me, only to hold her hand in my own.  "I'm still having fun to this day."

Sayori giggled, and held tightly onto my hand. "I am, too! But hey, guess what else?

Sayori shoved her free hand into the pocket of her hoodie, only to pull out two candies, both wrapped in a clear, plastic wrapper.

"That lady that I talked to, she was so sweet! She saw you staring at us while we talked, and asked if you were my friend. Once I told her that you were, she gave me two of these! Right after she did, the children all begged her for some, so they must taste very good!"

I just laughed quietly. I'm sure they'd just taste the same as all the other sweets we've had. There's many of those, which all go by different names. They all taste fruity and sweet, that's about it.

She held out her hand. "Choose which one you'd like! Orange or red?"

I carefully picked the orange one from the palm of her hand. I knew how much Sayori liked the red ones. Luckily there wasn't a yellow one, though. They aren't horrible, but me and Sayori would start bickering about who should get which one.

Sayori just gave me a smile, and I couldn't help but smile back. She looked adorable, her squinting blue eyes sparkling as they looked into mine. I felt my cheeks grow hot, hoping that my blush wasn't very visible. Though, Sayori's own cheeks were very rosy, but that was most likely because of the cold.

I heard the wrapper from the sweet rustling, as Sayori opened up her own sweet, plopping it into her mouth. My fingers fumbled to open mine, before shoving it through my lips. Sayori just giggled, and held my hand up to her chest. She placed it on top of her heart, allowing me to feel her faint little heartbeat.

The reason that it's still beating is because of you, (Y/N). I love you more than I could ever love myself."

She then raised my hand up to her cheek, closing her eyes and sighing.

There was a short silence. The only things that we could hear were the rustling leaves, birds chirping, and the distant chattering of teenagers walking around.

The sun was setting, pink and orange clashing together in the sky. The slight breeze causing Sayori's strands of hair to drift in the air a little.

I realised that her grip had weakened, and her smile had drooped slightly.

I let go of her hand, and placed my hands on her waist.

"Are you tired? I mean, it's getting pretty late now. We should get going now, remember that we still have school tomorrow!"

Sayori just mumbled quietly. I'm sure that she wasn't using words properly at the moment.

"Would you like a piggyback?"

She nodded slightly, raising her hands up and resting her arms on my shoulders.

I sighed and turned around, grabbing just about under her knee, and hoisting her up. Her arms draped over my chest, and her hair tickled the back of my neck.

"Ngh-! My God, Sayori! Who knew you were so heavy?"

I expected her to reply with something like "Are you calling me fat?!" or "Hey! I'm not that heavy... right?", but she remained silent.

Looks like I have to tuck her into bed, despite her still wearing her clothes. I know that we're very close friends and such, but I can't undress her and put her into her pajamas!

My face flushed, and my blood boiled at the sudden thought.

So I focused on other things, walking home with Sayori on my back. I was sure she was asleep, but I didn't bother che-

"(Y/N)~? Hey, (Y/N), you there? Earth to (Y/N)~!"

I raised my head suddenly, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. That's when I saw two wide, sparkling green eyes, gazing into mine.


"What are you doing, silly? The bell to dismiss us went ten minutes ago!"

"Oh sh- I'm so sorry!"

"Don't apologize, it's quite alright." Monika planted her hand on top of my forehead, and looked into my eyes.

"Are you feeling well? Did you get enough sleep?"

"I... I don't know..."

"If you're too tired, you can sleep in the club. Just hand me your poem, and I'll share it for you, while you catch up on lost sleep."

"Ah... Thank you Monika, but there's no need to bother about me. I'll be okay, I think I'll manage to make it throughout the day. Thank you for your kind offer, though!"

She beamed at me. "No worries, (Y/N). But don't be afraid to rest for a while at any time, okay? We'll wake you up if it's necessary. But for now," Monika held onto my hand, helping me up onto my feet. "let's go."

I followed Monika to the club room, thoughts of Sayori filling my head. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I just seem to adore her so much  more than before.

I've been considering it for a while. It sounds stupid, she's my friend, and has always been, for heaven's sake! But... I can't deny what I know is true.

I'm in love with my best friend.

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