🌼 Chapter Fifteen 🌼

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Even if

it leads

to my


I would do


for you.

I sat down in silence, a glass of orange juice in my hand. I leaned back, my back resting against the cushions on the couch. Sayori glances at me, giving me a smile.

"You look tired~"

"Ah, sorry... My limbs just hurt from dragging all those shopping bags all the way back home." I gave her a sideways glance.

"Hm... don't make me feel guilty!" She fiddled with her fingers. "I know, I should've helped more..."

"Hey, it's fine! I wouldn't want you to have sore arms and legs, too! Really, it's quite alright. I just need a little bit of rest, and I'll be fine and dandy."

She flashes me another smile. "You're so cute, (Y/N)~"

I take sip of my drink, eyes darting to the side. I hoped Sayori didn't notice my cheeks flush bright pink, but judging by her giggle, she probably did.

She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, causing me to lean to the side along with her, so she didn't end up choking me to death. I had to make sure the juice in my hand didn't spill all over us.

"(Y/N) is so soft, so fluffy, so cuddly, so warm, so-"

We both jump, the sound of my ringtone and vibration of my phone startling us.

"Ah, excuse me, Sayori. I'll be back as quick as possible."

Before Sayori could reply, I place my juice on the table, and grab my phone, dashing upstairs to my bedroom. I slam the door behind me, wincing as I did so.

I check the number calling.

It's just who I thought it was.

"...Yes, Yuri?"

"Oh! Um... hopefully I didn't bother you..."

I turned away, sighing, making sure the phone's speaker didn't pick it up.

"No, not really. So, what's up?"

"Well, you did say we can talk about... something. It's been bothering me a lot. I really, really don't want you thinking I'm the bad guy here, because I swear on my beloved mother's life, I'm not! Please, please let me explain myself, please let me-"

"It's okay, calm down!"

Yuri inhales sharply. "M-My apologies, (Y/N), I just..."

There's a pause.

"Look... Sayori wouldn't mind me coming over, right?"

"She's a really kind, understanding girl, so... no, I don't think there should be a problem."

"Thank the heavens! Okay, I'll be there soon, alright? I do hope you can hear me out, even if it's just this one time."

I nod, though I knew Yuri couldn't see me. "Of course. Just don't panic. It's gonna be okay."

"I know, I know..."

"You don't sound convinced."

"I'm sorry... I just don't understand this... feeling. It's as if I know something bad will happen, you see. I don't know why, but I'm afraid! I don't want this to all to-"

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