🌻 Chapter Five 🌻

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The truth

can hurt

much more


a simple


I slowly ran my fingers through Sayori's hair, while my eyes examined her cute little face. She was asleep.

She was constantly talking during the beginning of the movie, but then she grew surprisingly silent overtime. But once I could feel her head on my shoulder, I wrapped my own blanket over her shoulders, even though she had her own, and I held her close.

I was so close with Sayori, I wasn't really surprised anymore when people mistake us for a couple. But we were really just two friends, who tried bringing positivity into many people's lives, I suppose.

I closed my eyes, and lay my head on top of Sayori's. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness, only managing to stay awake because of the loud scenes in the movie. But relying on that didn't help, because after five minutes, I was asleep.


Once I opened my eyes again, it took a moment for me to process what was happening. The television was turned off, and I realised that I was laying down. Strange, because I swear I nodded off huddled with Sayori.


I shot up, and knocked the blankets off the sofa.

"Sayori? Sayori!"

I immediately ran up the stairs, open the door to Sayori's bedroom, only to see-


Sayori didn't even notice that I had entered. She was holding her favorite cow plushie by its stuffed paws, while singing. Headphones were resting over her ears, connected to an MP3 player.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief before grabbing a chicken plushie from the windowsill, and placing it on Sayori's messy pink mop of hair.

"Gee, Sayori! Your singing sound beautiful, why won't you sing to me, too?"

Sayori turned around, and lowered the headphones down to hang around her neck.

"(Y/N)! Did you sleep well?"

"I slept well, yes. But won't you do as Miss Chickie here asked?" I grinned, shaking the toy around.

Sayori giggled, and gently took the plushie out of my hands. But shortly after, her cheeks grew dark pink.

"Do you really like my singing, though, (Y/N)...?"

"Of course I do, your voice is like an angel's! It's a shame I haven't heard you sing sooner."

"Hmm... I wish you never discovered me singing, if I can be honest..."

"Why? When I say your singing is beautiful, I mean it!"

"(Y/N)~ You're making me all flustered!"

"Hahah." I stuck my tongue out at her playfully.

"Anyway... let's change the subject. Shall we take a little walk around the park this evening? It feels like a lifetime ever since I last took a walk with you, minus the days we walk to school."

"That sounds quite pleasant, actually. I would love that."

"Eheheh~ You always make me so happy, you know... Thank you so much for existing, (Y/N)."

I laughed. "It's not like I had a choice." I slipped my hands under her armpits, and lifted her up onto her feet, pressing her against my chest. "But I'm glad that I'm the reason behind one of your smiles."

"(Y/N)!!" Sayori blushed furiously, pouting a little. All I could do is chuckle, and ruffle her hair.

"Okay, let's just go, you silly goose."


It was a shame that we couldn't see the sunset. The sky was covered with a blanket of clouds, and the entire area was dull in general.

"This is a little disappointing, don't you think?" I asked.

"I think it's quite alright. But if you don't like it, we can of course go home and-"

"It's okay. If you're enjoying yourself, we can stay outdoors."

"But (Y/N), I want you to have fun, too!"

"No, Sayori, my opinions aren't the priority here. Besides, I don't mind doing what you like. If you asked me to jump off a building with you, I would, if that's what you want."

There was a silence, the only sound being the distant traffic and gentle wind rustling the leaves.

"Would you really...?" Sayori eventually murmured.

"Like I said, if that's what you want. Hopefully it isn't, though!"

I had a feeling that I triggered something inside of Sayori. Her mood seemed to go from happy and positive to sad and afraid.

"I'm sorry." My voice was barely audible, and I doubted Sayori could hear me. But turns out I was wrong.

"Don't be sorry, (Y/N). There's no reason to be!"

"I just feel like I'm putting you in a bad mood recently. You seem less... energetic than usual."

She gasped suddenly. "Am I really starting to look dull to everybody?!"

"No, no. It's hard to notice, almost impossible, but... I've known you my entire life, Sayori. How could I not notice that your acting different, even if it's just slightly?"

She lowered her head, letting her hair drape over her face.

"I know you must be concerned because of what happened not too long ago. But trust me, I'm really not a dark, depressed girl. Why would I ever hide that from you, (Y/N)? You're the only one who's there for me, you know. Do you think I'd ever lie to you?"

I sighed quietly. "Of course I don't. You're not a liar, Sayori, I know that. You know, I'll brush that aside for now. But if you ever need a shoulder to cry on," I stepped in front of her, and cupped her face in my hands. "I'm here. I always am."

She smiled. But that smile was so much different from every other smile she'd given me. That one seemed so forced. I could swear that she was still hiding something, but I didn't mention it. She'd start denying it, anyway.

"Thank you. I love you so much." She whispered, laying her head on my chest. I just continued to hold her close, refusing to let her go.

I could just tell that she needed me by her side forever. She didn't want me to leave her for some other person's company. She wants to be the reason that I smile whenever I think of her.

And lucky for her,

because that's just how it's going to be.

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