🌺 Chapter Eight 🌺

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I really want you

all to myself.

But that's too


isn't it?

I look over my shoulder, only to see Monika. She wasn't smiling like she always was, though. Her eyes... they were completely dull and empty.

"Ah... Can we maybe speak about it tomorrow? I don't think I have much time today..."

"No. I'm sorry, but we really have to talk now."

I swallowed, feeling my heart pound hard in my chest. I tried to keep my breathing shallow, but I had to eventually  raise my hand to my mouth and take a few deep breaths.

Monika finally smiled, and loosened her grip from my shoulder. She refused to let go, though, expecting me to run away if she did.

"Don't worry. You aren't in trouble. I'm just... concerned. Concerned for you and somebody else."

Ah... I suppose that somebody is Sayori.

Monika lead me to a desk, pulling out a chair so that I could sit down. She took another chair from the desk in front, turning it to face me, before sitting down, arms folded.

"Things have been... difficult for Sayori recently, correct?"

"Well, she has told me a bit about it, but uh... ever since that day, she's been quite content. I don't really see anything wrong with her, you know?"

"Ah, I see. Well, still, take good care of her, alright? I can't stand it when she looks so sad, it hurts me."

"O-Okay, thank you."

"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you alright? You look quite..." Monika's voice drifted into silence, as I felt myself slowly black out. Yet, I could still feel that I was conscious.

The world around me simply just faded away, though. I knew I was still alive, but I couldn't wake up and escape from this... void.

"Let her die, please... I can't stand living without you! I do everything I can to make you happy, yet you still love her! Damn it, (Y/N), why won't you love me already! I'm trying so, so hard to make your life perfect, I'm even giving a piece of me to make sure you live life just how you want to! At least appreciate me a little more, I'm begging you!"

Monika's voice echoed through my head, while I could see nothing but pitch black. Her voice only got even more desperate, as she begged and begged.

"I love you so much... If you can't love me like her, I'm afraid I have to take her away once again..."

"Please, (Y/N). If you don't want anybody to get hurt,

just love me for once.

Even if it's just in this reality."

"(Y/N)!!! Please, wake up!! You're scaring me!!"

My eyes fluttered open, and I immediately noticed Monika leaning across the desk, shaking my shoulders. Once she noticed I was awake, she pulled me close, into a tight embrace.

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