🌺 Chapter Four 🌺

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It's okay.

All rain clouds

go away


some point.

My thoughts were racing inside my head, wondering whatever could've happened to Sayori. How would Monika know that she's okay? Sure, there's a chance she could've came over to her house, or texted her, but when I did that, I got no reply.

Right after Monika gave us one of her sweet smiles, she dismissed us. I immediately picked up my bag, and slumped it over my shoulder. I threw open the door, and took a deep breath.

"Bye Monika! Bye Natsuki! Bye Yuri! See you tomorrow!" I called out, while rushing out the door.

I could hear Monika call, "Goodbye, (Y/N)~!" back, but I didn't hear Yuri or Natsuki say anything. Probably because I rushed out of the room so quickly.

My breath came out in puffs, as my legs moved faster and faster. I could already feel the burning pain in my calves, and my head felt incredibly light and empty. But I refused to slow down, as my bag kept thumping against my back once again.

I didn't care if anything hurt. I just wanted to check up on Sayori.

Once I got to her door, I didn't even stop for a break. I grabbed the handle, tugging at it. It turns out the door was locked. Sayori usually leaves it open when she's in the house, though?

Then where the hell could she be?

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiit..." I muttered under my breath, reaching into my pockets. I had Sayori's house key, just like she had mine. She insisted that we do that, and then she would constantly come into my house, never failing to startle me.

But then she just... stopped.

But now's not the time to worry about that! Who knows, Sayori might be in danger!

Once my trembling hands shoved the key into the lock, I turned it, and shoved the door open with my shoulder. I used my leg to kick it closed, and immediately sprinted up the stairs. I shoved open her door, my breaths quick and raspy.

"Sayori! Sayori, I-"

I froze.


I turned on the lamp, and saw a small figure curled up into a ball by the side of her bed. Her knees covered her face, but her strands of peach hair draped over her eyes, too.

The sweet, happy, ecstatic little Sayori I knew now looked like a bundle of pain and distress.

I walked up to her, kneeling in front of her.


She didn't reply.

"Sayori, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, (Y/N)."

How was her voice still so... cheerful?

I delicately brushed the hair from out of her eyes, and grabbed either side of her face. I made her look at me, before placing my fingers under her chin.

Tears and snot were running down her face, and her eyes looked painfully bloodshot. But despite that, her eyes were so bright, and...

she was smiling.

"How was school today, (Y/N)? Did you do well?"

"Please, don't pretend as if everything is okay. It isn't, and it never will be if you keep pretending it is! I'm begging you, Sayori... tell me what's wrong."

Her eyes darted to the side swiftly, and her smile faded a little.

"Listen to me, Sayori!"

"I'm sorry... I know, I'm such a burden to you, and everybody else. I'm just an unnecessary lump of weight for you all to carry on you shoulders. Will it make you feel better if I disappeared? Or if I- Huh-"

My arms squeezed her lithe body tightly against mine.

"No. No, no, no. Don't do this Sayori, please, I'm begging you."

Her fingers lightly ran down my back, as her other arm slipped around my waist. "(Y/N)..."

  "Let it all out, Sayori. I'm here now."

There was a silence, before quiet little gasps filled the room. Shortly after, loud, violent sobs filled my ears, as Sayori held me tighter. She buried her head into my shoulder, and I could feel her tears seeping through the cotton of my school uniform.

"I-I'm so s-s-sorry! I-I'm s-sorry, p-p-please forgive m-m-me..!" Her voice was wobbly, and almost cracked as she spoke.

I rubbed her back, and pressed my lips against her cheek.

"Shhh... It's okay. Everything is okay."

She cried into my shoulder for a while longer, but her sobs gradually got quieter and quieter. I just continued whispering softly into her ear, until she finally calmed down, only sniffling now.

"There there... You just had to get all those emotions out, didn't you?"


I sighed, pulling away, and holding her shoulders. My eyes looked into her bright blue ones, which had lost their sparkle.

"You're not a bottle, Sayori. Don't keep all those emotions trapped inside of you until you're filled to the brim. It just... isn't good for you. Besides..." I held her hand in both of mine. "I'll always be here for you. I always have."


Sayori gently pulled me close again, placing both of her hands on my back. She buried her head into my chest, as I let my fingers run through her hair.

"...Thank you."

I smiled, closing my eyes. "It's not a problem, Sayori. Now..." I made her look at me again, tucking the hair that fell in front of her eyes behind her ear. "Would you like to go downstairs, watch some movies while drinking some hot chocolate?"

She smiled, using the back of her hand to wipe the remaining tears away. "I-I would love to!"

I chuckled, and ruffled her hair. We walked downstairs together, hand in hand. Once we got to the living room, she sat down on the couch, as I entered the kitchen to prepare our hot chocolate. I could hear faint talking from the television, which meant Sayori was already watching stuff without me.

I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes. When the water finished boiling, I opened one of the cupboards to reach for those two mugs we adored as young children.

I placed them on the counter, and grabbed the container of cocoa. I took a teaspoon, and once I was about to put the cocoa in...


I jumped, dropping the spoon. Sayori's arms were wrapped around my waist, while her head lay against my back.

"You were taking too long, I thought I should check up on you. I didn't mean to scare you, eheheh~"

I sighed, prying her hands away. 

"Oh, Sayori..." I shook my head. "What am I supposed to do with you?"

At least she was back to her usual happy self. That's all that mattered to me.

"I'm not sure what to even do with myself!" She giggled. "But anyway, would you like me to make the hot chocolate instead?"

"Sure, if you'd like to."

"Yaaaay~!" She hugged my arm, before picking up the spoon, and wiping it with a cloth. I sighed, and simply walked over to the couch, slumping on it.

Sayori was happy now, but I couldn't get that one moment out of my head. It was so... scary, seeing Sayori break down like that.

It now makes me question so many things.

But there's this one question that I really just want the answer to.

How does she truly feel?

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