🌸 Chapter Eighteen 🌸

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I hope you can hear my heartbeat,

as it will always beat for you.

"I know we've been through this before, but I really feel as if something is... off."

I peered over my shoulder, to see Sayori, who was standing in between the doorframe.

I smiled reassuringly, dropping my bag onto the freshly washed covers on my bed.

I approached her, and pat her head.

"I won't let anything happen to you, okay? I'll make sure I get hurt before you do."

"No! I don't want you getting hurt!"

Sayori threw her arms around me, leaning her chin on my shoulder.

"I'll never forgive myself if you get hurt because of me again..."

I felt my lip tremble, but buried my head in Sayori's soft hair, before the tears managed to roll down my face.


"It's true... Seeing you hurt makes me feel useless. I feel as if I can't even manage to protect you from the smallest things. It makes me want to... disappear."

"Don't say such things!" I raised my voice unconsciously, startling Sayori a bit.

I grabbed her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes.

"I don't want to hear you saying stuff like that. I will never let you disappear. Even if you beg me, I refuse to let you leave everything behind, as if it never existed in the first place!"

I sighed, and moved my hand up to Sayori's cheek.

I gently kissed her, feeling her soft lips against my own.

"I love you, Sayori. I can't imagine a life where I can never be with you..."

Sayori's eyes widened slightly, before the corners of her eyes filled up with tears.


Before I knew it, her face was all scrunched up, and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"(Y/N)...!" Once again, she embraced me, and buried her face in my chest. "I love you...!"

I held her head gently, leaning mine on top of hers.

No matter if I tried, I couldn't stop the smile from crawling onto my face.

She was such an angel.

I let her cry into my uniform for a while, until her sobs gradually got quieter.

"Hey... You're going to school?" She quietly asked.

"It's only if you want to go."

"I-I can try..."

"You don't need to force yourself, if you'd like to stay home, that's fine."

"But you're all prepared, you can't just stay home with me and ignore the effort of getting ready!"

"It's not a big deal, all I did was just change into my uniform, and put all of my supplies into my bag."

"Yeah, but... still!"

I chuckled, kissing Sayori's forehead.

"I'll stay home with you, 'kay?"

She sighed, playfully poking my nose. "You're always do persistent! Shouldn't I be the one begging you to stay? But alright, fine~"

I pulled away from Sayori, and knocked my bag down to the floor.

"Well then, come on, I'm in the mood for a cuddle."

Sayori's face flushed bright red, but she nodded, and flopped down onto the sheets.

I lay down beside her, and wrapped my arms around her. But she was still blushing, as her entire body was warm.

"Why are you so flustered, Sayori? We've been dating for a while now, why are you so embarrassed over me hugging you?"

"I... don't know."

"Would you rather have me not touch you?"

"No, it's fine! I like it when you hug me, it makes me feel as if the entire world is brimming with flower and butterflies, as the sun shines upon us all~"

"My my, isn't that cute?"

"Not as cute as your face!"

Sayori turned to face me, and squished my cheeks. "I could look at it all day~!"

I laughed, and grabbed her chin.

"Who gave you the right to be this cute?"

Sayori just giggled, but her cheeks grew red again, even more than last time.

"Heh, (Y/N)..."

"What's wrong? Don't say you're going to suddenly get embarrassed whenever I make contact with you!"

"No~! That's not it..."

"Then what's up?"

"I..." Sayori inhaled, as her body tensed up. "I love you, (Y/N)! I love you so much, and have for the many past years! And I just...

I want to become one with you..."

I audibly gasped, and I could feel my own cheeks getting hot.


"I'm sorry! I'm not a lewd girl, I swear, I just-"

"No, Sayori, I'm just... surprised. Surprised that you love me so much." I closed my eyes and smiled. "I'll happily... you know..."

The aura around us was awkward, but we both managed to break it with a kiss.

And I just knew, that this would be one of the best moments in my life.


Oh my, I think we know where this is going 👀👀

Don't worry, I won't ruin our sweet cinnamon roll's innocence - I mean, come on, innocent or not we're probably all going to do the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) eventually~

Believe it or not, I'm a pretty lewd person, but I'll be sure to keep it as non-explicit as possible!

And it'll be nothing but soft, pure, wholesome shit, so don't you worry~

Anyways, bye for now, thank you to each and every one of you who read, vote, and comment! It means a lot! 💕💕💕💕

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