🌺 Chapter Sixteen 🌺

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She's the


she's an


she's a


Tear your


up into


'cause she's


Sayori's hand was placed on top of mine, squeezing it lightly every now and then. I could feel that she was sweating buckets, just like I was.

Monika sat on the armchair, smiling uncomfortably.

"You two look as if you expected to see God, but encountered Satan instead."

I sat up straight.

"O-Oh, um-!"

Monika giggled. "Don't worry about it. I must say, I'm very sorry for coming over so suddenly, without even alerting you. You see, Yuri had, well... she started to panic, telling me that something will go wrong. Though no matter how much I attempted to comfort her, she screamed at me, telling me to go away. The poor thing..."

I could see Sayori nibble on her fingernails from the corner of my eye.

"But don't fret! She's most likely doing well now..."

Silence floods the room. All that Monika could do was sigh.

"So, care to explain why you turned up?"

I didn't mean to sound rude, but Monika flinched at the tone I used.

"I... thought I could explain... that to you instead."

I swallowed.

I felt Sayori nudge me a little.

"What's she talking about, (Y/N)?"

I looked back over at Monika. "Should I, um... tell her?"

"It would be better if you didn't." Monika murmured.

Sayori just pressed her two index fingers together, forcing herself to smile.

"Should I leave? I can happily wait in (Y/N)'s room for the time being."

"That'd be very much appreciated, thank you, Sayori." Monika beamed at her. "I'll be sure to take you both out for ice cream once this is all over and done with, alright?"

"Awaaa! I love ice cream! Okay, I'll be a good girl, I promise!"

Before Sayori could turn around, I called out her name softly. My voice was incredibly quiet, and I could barely hear myself. But Sayori could somehow hear me.

She gave me a reassuring smile.

"It will be okay, (Y/N)."

She spun on her heel, and made her way upstairs, and me and Monika stayed silent, until we could hear the door of my bedroom close.

Monika finally looked at me and chuckled.

"She's a cutie, your Sayori."

"You're not planning on taking her away from me and making her yours, right?"

Monika spluttered. "Wha- Of course not!"

I grinned. "It was a joke, Monika, I know you wouldn't do such a thing."

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