🌻 Chapter Seventeen 🌻

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Even if it costs her the world,

Even if she falls apart,

She will do absolutely anything,

To find a way to steal your heart.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

My gaze met those deep, blue eyes, staring at me.


"You've been very quiet ever since we left the house."

"Oh, I have? Well, I guess I'm just a bit stressed, that's all. Please don't worry about it."

Sayori gave me a doubtful look, but glanced away eventually.

If it wasn't for all of the families around us making a racket, the entire park would be filled by awkward silence, as the three of us just walked along the gravel path.

I inwardly groaned. "Jeez, quit being so dull... say something, dammit!"

I opened my mouth, but before any words could come out, Monika walked in front of me and bent forward slightly, a wide smile spread across her face.

"Hey, there's an ice cream truck right there!"

I looked to where Monika was pointing, and there was, indeed, an ice cream truck.

"Ah, how nice! We can finally get ice cream, just like you promised, Monika!" Sayori cheered.

Her smile refusing to fade, Monika looked at me. "I'll be paying, of course."

"Ah- No! No, I've got some cash on me, it's fine! I can pay for all of us, I swear."

Monika chucked. "Please, there's no need. I'll pay for all of us."



I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm serious, Monika."

"I'm serious, too."

Sayori jumped in between us, pouting. "Stop arguing! You're still teenagers, yet you're arguing like adults!"

I put both of my hands on both sides of Sayori's face. "Ahah, I'm sorry. We'll stop."

Immediately after doing that, Sayori turned into a smiling, cheerful mess. "It's okay! I forgive you!"

Monika ruffled Sayori's hair. "What a precious angel you have here, (Y/N). She truly belongs in heaven, don't you think?

"Everywhere is heaven if Sayori's there." I beamed.

Monika did likewise, touching her chest, where her heart was located. "How sweet."

"Anyway~ let's go get ice cream!"

Before we could stop her, Sayori pushed past me and Monika, running towards the blindingly neon pink truck.

I looked towards Monika and she looked at me.

"So who's paying?" I asked.

Monika took my hand, and placed a couple of yen in my palm.

"You can pay with this. If I see you touching your wallet, I'm going to squeal."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop the smile that creeped onto my face.

"I'm definitely paying you back later, that's a promise."

"I look forward to seeing you try~" Monika murmured, walking after Sayori.


"O-Oh! I didn't expect to see you at this time of day..."

"Haha, well, you see, there's something I need to tell you!"

"Very well, come in! Take a seat. Would you like tea, coffee, or water?"

"I'll be okay, thank you for the offer, though."

Quiet footsteps echoed throughout the darkened walls, as the two figures made their way towards the couch, before they sat down.

"So... you're aware of the relationship between (Y/N) and Sayori, yes?"

"Oh, indeed! They seem like such a lovely couple, I don't doubt for a second that they were made for each other.

"Hmm..." There was an obvious smile behind that voice. "Then care to explain why you're willing to do anything, in order have (Y/N) all to yourself?"

"...Excuse me?"

"Don't act so stupid. I've seen how you behave around them. It's as if you just want to pounce at their girl, and rip her apart, from limb to limb!"


"Besides, do you really think they'll forgive you for what you've done?"

"Please... stop..."

"Even if you kill Sayori, (Y/N) won't love you!"

"I can't ta-"

"It's not as simple as it is in Natsuki's manga, you know?

Even if you kill us all, (Y/N) would only grow to hate you more and more."

The eery sound of a teacup shattering in the silent room rung through their ears.

"It's not fair."

"None of this is my fault."

"I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I don't want to hurt myself."

"I don't want to be like this."

"I don't want to live like I'm on a never-ending carousel."

"I don't want to kill anyone."

"I don't want to die."

It felt like the world shattered into a million pieces.

Everything seemed to be falling apart.

"My my, it's that simple to drive you over the edge?"

Bright green, emerald eyes, glistened in the dim light, as a wide grin sneaked its way onto their face.

"Well, what do you say about striking a deal with the devil, Yuri?"


It's been so long, I'm so sorry!! Everything is just so stressful nowadays, but I'm trying my best to update this story as often as possible!

Also, to avoid confusion, this chapter has been rewritten. I highly disliked how I wrote the previous chapter, so hopefully this one is much better!

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