🌸 Chapter Fourteen 🌸

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Just hold my


and even if

the world



into pieces,

promise me

you'll stay


"Hey, (Y/N)~! Wakey-wakey~!"

I sat up straight, my eyes wide.

"Oh! Uh... sorry..."

"It's okay, just don't start staring into space once I start talking, okay? It's rude, you know!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

Sayori swiped her plate aside, and leaned across the table, taking my hands in her own.

"(Y/N)...? Is everything alright?"

"Mhm. Don't worry."

"If you're lying, at least make it convincing." She planted a quick kiss on my cheek. "What's up?"

"I don't know, I guess I just woke up in a bad mood. I'm probably just having one of those days, you know."

Sayori smiled softly. "Honestly, you look very worried. I'm sure there's no way that you woke up without a reason to be."

I fell silent.

"Listen, I promise nothing bad will happen. I'm here with you, you're here with me, and we wouldn't let anybody tear us apart!"

She kissed both of my cheeks, before gently pressing her lips against my own. I don't know why, but I didn't kiss her back - I simply couldn't. So I just sat there, allowing her to kiss me.

Once she pulled away, her eyes were clouded. She looked as if she was about to cry. But even so, a slight smile remained on her face.

"And even if you don't love me back, I love you, and that will never change."

I didn't reply, or react. I was sure Sayori was getting the wrong idea - of course I loved her. It's just as if I could see directly into the future, knowing the love of my life will surely die someday soon.

And these thoughts, they haunt me like tragic memories. But there's no way those are memories. Sayori isn't dead, she's here with me. And as much as I wish it could stay that way, I can't help but feel like it won't.

It's as if I played some video game once, and now I'm playing it a second time, knowing exactly what to expect.

And as much as I tell myself that Sayori won't pass away,

I can't seem to believe it.

My expression must've looked anxious, because Sayori leaned in closer and whispered in my ear,

"Would you like to leave now?"

I nodded, standing up. My plate remained on the table, the food on it still barely touched. I didn't feel like eating. I felt as if I would vomit right after I put anything more into my mouth.

Once we walked to the doors, right after stepping outside, Sayori reached for my hand. My hand managed to give her one a gentle squeeze, and once it did, from the corner of my eye, I noticed her smile.

❝Promise?❞ //  [Sayori x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now