🌼 Chapter Three 🌼

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I don't


at night,


when I do,

the only


that haunts my


is you.

I spent the entire night worrying about Sayori. What she told me yesterday... I felt bad for doing so, but I couldn't bring myself to believe her.

The next day, I was incredibly tired, and my eyes itched like hell. With that, despite how tired I was, I couldn't close them. I could just imagined how I must've looked, my hair sticking out in various places, and my eyes open wide, with bright red cracks rimming around them. I must've looked like I just dug myself out of my grave.

So, I had to wait patiently, until the end of the day. Then, I can see Sayori for the first time today. This morning, I waited for her, knocked at her door, and even called her name through the letter box, yet there was no answer. That only worried me more, putting more unnecessary weight onto my shoulders. But then, I expected she'd be at school already, though she never left without me before. If she just slept in, she better not get angry at me for not waiting. If she keeps being such a lazy little dork, and not bother getting out of bed earlier, of course I'm going to have to leave. I can't be late to school, I'm trying to get a good reputation, since it was already bad enough.

Once the final bell went, I picked up my bag and slumped it over my shoulder, running out the door, not even waiting for the teacher to dismiss the class.

I put one foot in front of the other swiftly, my bag bouncing up and down, hitting against my back. I wish I didn't have so much inside it, I felt that if it all kept thumping against my back for any longer, it'd break my spine.

Luckily, I managed to make it to the literature club without breaking any bones in my body.

I pushed the door open, and saw Monika reaching for a box of novels on the highest shelf.

"Here, let me get that for you."

I reached up, and grunted softly when I lifted them off the dusty shelf. I handed them to Monika, letting a sharp breath through my lips.

Monika gave me one of her sweet smiles.

"Thank you, (Y/N)! I would've been here for a while if it wasn't for you, hehe."

Me and Monika were almost the same height, I was only a few inches taller. She must've been worried that the books might collapse on top of her sweet, pretty face. It was understandable. I, myself, was also slightly worried about that. I didn't want her smooth skin and rosy cheeks to get bruised.

Monika carried the box of books to where the teacher's desk was, before planting her hands atop the wooden surface, letting out a quick, high-pitched sigh.

"Are you tired, Monika?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes. I couldn't get to sleep, worrying about Natsuki. She had told me that she had some issues at home, and let me know. I was worried sick once she told me, I do hope she's okay."

I smiled very slightly. "You're so considerate of your members, Monika. You're the best leader of any club I've ever attended, to be fair."

"Oh, (Y/N), don't fluster me like this!" She giggled, raising her hand to her mouth, blushing.

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