🥀 Chapter One 🥀

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I gently open the door.


What the hell...?

What the hell??

Is this a nightmare?

It... has to be.

This isn't real.

There's no way this can be real.

Sayori wouldn't do this.

Everything was normal up until a few days ago.

That's why I can't believe what my eyes are showing me...!

My legs gave out under me, causing me to collapse to the floor.

As much as I wanted them to, my eyes could not direct themselves away from the limp body, hanging from the ceiling.

I would cry, but my whole body felt numb.

I didn't want this. I never would.

I wish I knew this would happen.

I wish it didn't happen.


I wish I could've loved her more.



This all really has to be some dream. A nightmare.

Life can't be that cruel.

Why... Why would my best friend be taken away from me like this?

Out of all people, why did it have to be, in fact, my girlfriend?

Why was her life stolen away from me in such a cruel way?

Why can I never see her again?

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why?

I beg for an answer.

Just why?

Please. Let me wake up.

Give me another chance.

Let me see the one I most adore once again.

Even if it's just for a final time.

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