🌼 Chapter Seven 🌼

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I can run.

I can run fast.

I can run far.

But even if

I do,

my feelings for


keep chasing

after me.

I've made up my mind! I'm going to confess too Sayori this evening!

I really hope it isn't too soon, but if I wait any longer, I feel as if I'll explode!

I spent the rest of the day talking with the girls, before Monika informed us that it was time to share our poems. I started off with Yuri, who gave me a long lecture about how I could improve my poem. She claimed that it lacked emotion, and that it just seemed so plain and dull. I just nodded and replied with grunts and noises, not bothering to claim that I rushed writing the poem at lunch.

Next I shared it with Natsuki, and she wasn't as harsh about it as before. The last time I showed her my poem, she snickered and said she'd rather read the trash Yuri reads rather than my poem. But now, she seemed more passive. She didn't say much, either, and was mostly silent throughout the rest of the day.

Then Monika read my poem. She gave me a bright smile, and said she adored it. I even saw her wipe at her eyes a little with her sleeve while her eyes scanned over the words.

Then... Sayori. Once we exchanged glances, she gave me a slight smile, before looking away. I could immediately tell that something was up.

I approached her, and I could see how she tensed up.

Did I do something wrong?


"Oh, hey (Y/N)! Give me a second, will you?"

She swiftly ran over to Monika, and whispered something into her ear. Monika just nodded, before looking over at me with a sympathetic smile, as Sayori dashed out of the classroom.

Well, damn. I guess I upset Sayori, somehow. Is it because I didn't share my poem with her first? It's not my fault! Once I looked around the classroom, I already saw Sayori cheerfully handing her poem to Natsuki, a big, bright smile on her face. But now, she seemed... sad.

I just sat down, and sighed. I lifted my bag onto my lap, and before shoving my poem into my bag, I decided to re-read it.

She is like a flower.

So delicate, so dainty.

Other weeds and plants around her can't repress her beauty.

She sits on my windowsill,

swaying side to side as a little bird sings to her.

Sad little bumblebees fly towards her,

and she offers a piece of her to them.

A sweet, piece of honey,

that immediately makes their faces light up with joy.

Everyday, she offers sad little bee a piece of her.

Everyday, she grows weaker and more frail.

But no matter how much she loses herself,

she will not refuse to share her happiness with others.

Her petals may be as bright as always,

her stem may be keeping her head up high,

but one day,

my little flower might pass away.

I groaned, and stuffed my poem into my bag. I didn't care if it crumpled. Comparing my poem to everybody else's made me feel stupid, pathetic. What was I thinking while writing this? I should've just told Monika that I forgot my poem. Ack, I guess it's too late now. At least Sayori didn't read it, though I know that if she did, she would say nothing but positive things about it.

Sayori really has to learn how to speak her mind, to be honest. Her opinion is just as important as everybody else's. I just hate the way she agrees to everything, even if she doesn't want to. It just makes me want to hold her close and whisper into her ear that she doesn't have to do anything that anybody wants her to.

Is she afraid of what people would think about her? I can assure her that nobody would dare to lay a finger on her, the worst they could possibly do is shout at her. But knowing Sayori, she'd probably tear up and run out of the room if someone raised their voice to her.

Poor Sayori. I just want to hold her forever, promising that I won't let anybody harm her. She's too perfect for this world, too pure. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a real angel.

I didn't even realise how long I had been sitting in silence and staring at my bag until Monika clapped her hands and told us that we were dismissed.

As I slumped my bag over my shoulder, I walked towards the door. As I did that, I looked around the classroom to see if Sayori had returned. That's when I could feel a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N), I want to speak to you about something."

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