🌻 Chapter Twenty One 🌻

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guess who's back from the dead baybeeee

there's so much people commenting on here i'm sorry i can't reply to you all, however all your support means a lot to me<3

in a 


think i might be 

going crazy,


won't you be the one who saves


Before I left the house, I sent Sayori a text message.

It wasn't much.

Just a simple, "sorry that I went out without warning you beforehand. I'll be back shortly. Love you."

I couldn't understand the slight pang in my chest once I hit send.

Upon stepping outside, I wrapped my jacket around my torso, exhaling slowly. 

It was as if a part of me was resisting this. But who could blame me? From the very moment me and Sayori got together, it felt as if the entire world was trying to go against us. 

It's like a curse. 

I hate it.

Just thinking about it is enough to give me a headache.

I sighed, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I could feel some spare change, so buying something sweet to raise my spirits didn't seem like a bad idea.

I look around, eventually coming across a small store. As I push the door open, I hear a beep, attracting the shopkeeper's attention. Upon seeing me, she smiles, but doesn't say anything.

I smile back, before looking around the aisles. It was difficult to pick out a specific sweet, there were Smarties, Mars bars, Haribos, all that stuff. I just decided to pick a few, planning to eat one on the way, and while offering the rest to Sayori once I come back. She has a huge sweet tooth, so I hope that giving her some will make her happy.

I look at the time, and my eyes widen. Has it been 30 minutes already? God, I should really not keep Yuri waiting.

I swiftly place the sweets on the counter, and hand over 700 yen to the lady, before scooping the candies up and into my pocket.

I walk out of the store, and start sprinting towards Yuri's home, hoping that nothing has happened to her. 

Upon reaching her house, I bend over, resting my hands on my thighs, exhaling loudly. Once I get back up, I walk over to her doorstep, and raise my hand. My finger hovers over the doorbell, yet I quickly manage to convince myself to just ring it.

So I do.

Ding dong~

A few seconds pass. There's no answer.

I should give it some time. Ugh, where did all this anxiety even come from?

The door flies open all of a sudden, startling me. Yuri stands there, with a wide smile on her face. 

"Hello! I'm so glad you came!"

I smile back, but am unable to hold back how uncomfortable I am. "Ah... Hey."

"Well, no need to be shy, come on in!"

Seeing Yuri so enthusiastic was quite off-putting. She was normally so shy and timid, what on earth happened?

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