🌺 Chapter Twelve 🌺

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If this is all

a dream,

I never want

to wake up.

I was continuously rubbing my eye, a yawn slipping out through my lips from time to time.

I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. I would be more excited, but... I'm just not.

I sighed, placing my forehead on the palm of my hand. My eyes closed, and my chest felt heavy.

Ever since Sayori attempted to end her life, I felt as if a large piece of me crumbled away.

I'm so lucky I made it in time, despite all the injuries that it caused. But even so, everything has changed in the span of twenty four hours.

I could feel the table shake a bit. I looked up, and saw Sayori, her chin resting on the wooden surface, along with her arms, which were stretched in my direction.

I smiled ever so slightly, placing my hands on the table.

"Did you sleep well, Sayori?"

"I couldn't sleep at all, despite how tired I am. I got worried."

"How so? Did you think that you saw a ghost, or a monster? I can chase it away for you."

Sayori giggled softly. "Noooo... It's just... I was worried about you."

I sat still for a while, before looking directly into Sayori's bright blue eyes, which were looking at her hands, as she tapped her fingers against the table.

"Why? Why would you be worried about me?"

"I though something could have happened to you."

"What could have possibly happened to me? Sure, it wasn't even that long ago when we both had to stay overnight in the hospital, but you heard what the doctor said. He said we're in good health now, and just need a moment to allow our wounds to heal."

"Yeah, but... I can't help it, (Y/N). I always worry, especially about you. In fact, I've been worrying about you for ages now! Ever since we were little kids, I worried about you! Remember that time you fell and scraped your knee at the park, and had to go home so that your mother had to put a plaster over your scratch? I cried for the full evening, until my own mother finally managed to put me to sleep!" Sayori was crying now, too. "I was so worried, so afraid..."

I gently took her hands in mine, leaning in close so that our foreheads almost touched.


"I really wished that I was the one who got injured! I didn't want you to be hurt, (Y/N)! You didn't deserve it! It was all my fault, too! I should've caught you, and I shouldn't have panicked and let go of your hand, I'm so sorry!"


"I guess the rain clouds are right, I am a useless, unreliable piece of shit! I don't deserve what I have now, I'm such a selfish girl, and shouldn't even exi-"


Tears were running down Sayori's flushed cheeks, but she managed to finally look into my eyes.


I would have denied Sayori's words, and told her that nothing was her fault. After all, that happened ages ago, why is it even relevant now?

I wanted to tell her that she was perfect in every way. She never did anything wrong. She has always been an angel.

My angel.

But when I opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out.

Words and actions have failed me, but there was one thing that still hadn't.

I closed the gap between us with a kiss. It didn't last long, and it was very gentle, almost as if a butterfly was to delicately tickle your lips with its wings.

Sayori's eyes grew wide. They no longer had a tint of dullness or sadness in them, and they sparkled so brightly. A bright red blush formed across the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks.

Her expression finally softened, and she gave me a very warm smile. I smiled back, but none of us had a chance to say anything before she pulled me back into the kiss.

My grip on her shaking hands tightened. Or was it my hands that were shaking? Ah, who cares?

The kiss lasted longer than the first, before we pulled away to catch our breath.

Once again, we said nothing, and just smiled at one another. Not that words were needed, anyway. We already understood everything.

A few more seconds had passed, before Sayori looked to the side, still blushing.

"It's two in the morning, now. I think we should go to bed."

"Ah, you're right."

Sayori stood up, but refused to let go of my hand. She gave it a tug, indicating for me to get up.

I did likewise, and we both walked upstairs, hand in hand. When we arrived in front of my bedroom door, Sayori opened it slowly, before we both walked in.

"Ah-! I forgot to decide on who sleeps where! Would you like me to sleep on the couch, or-"

"Heheh, it's okay, (Y/N). We could argue about the sleeping situation, but I'm too tired. We'll end up choosing to sleep in the same bed, after all. So what's the point of squabbling over it?" She chuckled softly. "It's almost as if we're in one of those stories written by a fan of a game or a movie, isn't it?"

I sighed, but couldn't help but smile. "Okay, fine, we'll share a bed."

Sayori giggled, and clutched my arm. "Yay~!"

"Right, so I'll get dressed in the bathroom, and you'll get changed in my room. Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yup, it sure does!"

I took my pajamas from my wardrobe, and made my way to the bathroom.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I know it can wait but..."

"Yeah? What is it?"

I looked over my shoulder, only to see a flustered Sayori, with her head peeking through the door, smiling at me.

"I love you so much."

My lips stretched into a smile, and I clutched my pajamas to my chest. It wasn't unusual for me and Sayori to tell each other that we love one another, but when she said it, it had a different feeling to it. The feeling, it seemed so strong, so passionate.

I shouldn't act so surprised. I suppose our relationship has changed - in a good way, of course.

I feel so warm inside, ever since that incident happened. The whole world seemed to grow dark and depressing. But now, all the light and colours have returned, and I have a sweet little ray of sunshine to call 'mine.' I couldn't have wished for more.

I was simply at a complete loss of words. Everything seemed to go by so quickly.

The only thing I could managed to get out was,

"I love you too."

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