🌻 Chapter Nine 🌻

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I guess

what they say

is true.

Not everyone

has to wear a cape,

or have any


to be

a hero.

Ah, my head...

What... happened?

I sat up, before rubbing my eyes. As much as I tried, I couldn't remember what happened yesterday.

I carefully stood up, feeling my legs wobble as I did so. I walked forward, suddenly hearing a rustle as I walked over something, undoubtedly being a sheet of paper.

I groaned quietly, as I bent down to pick it up. It was a little bit crumpled, but that's okay. It's not like it mattered.

Once I started reading it, I could feel all the air escape from my lungs.

This was Sayori's poem.

I read through it again, but something seemed... wrong.

I read it over and over again, until I decided to turn the piece of paper over. That's when I saw something I didn't see before.

It was another poem. Shorter, this time. It was written in very tiny letters, so I had to squint to see what it said.

Butterflies can fly.

Ladybugs can fly.

Birds can fly.

Angels can fly.

So why oh why

can't I?

I started to choke.

Sure, this poem seemed innocent. If I was to never find out about Sayori's condition, I wouldn't think much of it.

But somehow, I completely understood what it meant.

I threw the piece of paper aside, not caring where it landed. I quickly grabbed my jacket, and shoved my arms into the sleeves. I didn't bother fastening it, as I grabbed my keys and ran out of the house.

Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay,


please be okay.

Once I ran into Sayori's front garden, I pressed down on the door handle. Her door was locked. I fumbled through my keys, but I somehow couldn't find the ones to Sayori's house.

"Fuck!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, banging on the door. "Sayori? Sayori! Please, open the door!!"

There was no answer.

I had no time to waste.

I know I would regret this, but I had no other choice.

I noticed a bright blue watering can made of metal sitting under her windowsill. I grabbed it, and tensed up once I swung it at the window. The glass shattered, some shards even landing on me. I placed one knee on the windowsill, and climbed on top of it. I didn't take my time, and I immediately climbed into the house. I didn't even pay attention to when my leg got caught in the broken glass. It hurt, terribly, but now wasn't the time to fuss over it.

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