🌼 Chapter Nineteen 🌼

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Hopefully this chapter is worth the wait!

If you haven't read the previous chapter, or forgot about it - this chapter will contain mild smut 👀

It won't be explicit, I promise!

But even so, if you'd rather not read this, then no worries! It's not like you'll miss much of the story anyway~

However - if you have decided to continue reading, then sit back, and enjoy! ♡

I lay my head on Sayori's chest, as she stroked my hair.

"This is... so strange, ehehe..."

I simply smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Sayori shuddered. "I-I never knew I'd hear you say those words to me..."

My smile remained, as I intertwined my fingers with Sayori's. "Well, ready?"

"I guess so."

I gently kissed her, and ran my finger down her cheek.

She gazed lovingly into my eyes, but couldn't help but turn away eventually.

"I... I'm kind of scared..."

"We can stop if you want."

"No, it's fine!" She smiled at me. "Please don't worry about me. I just want to make you feel happy."

"Hmm." I pinched her cheek lightly. "I can't be happy if you're not happy."

"You're so cheesy!" Sayori laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck, and legs around my waist.

I struggled to stay upright, and not collapse on top of her, due to the sudden burst of affection.

Not giving me a second to gather my thoughts, Sayori pressed her mouth against mine, kissing me deeply.

All I could do was kiss her back, as I gazed at her flustered features with half-lidded eyes.

I could hear her muffled attempts at murmuring my name into the kiss. It was quite adorable, actually.

I slowly slipped my hands under Sayori's shirt, causing her to squeak and pull away swiftly.

"Your hands are cold..."

"I'm trying to warm them up," I smirked softly. "Especially my fingers."

"Your fingers? Why?"

I stared at Sayori for a while.

Suddenly, her face went beet-red, as she hid her face behind her hands, groaning in embarrassment.

I just laughed, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

"Sometimes, you're just so pure, it's difficult to believe that you don't have a halo and feathery wings."

"Hnggh... You're so mean, (Y/N)~"

"How am I being mean?"

"You just are!"

I grinned, grabbing her wrists, and pinning them up above Sayori's head.

"Let's stop bickering, we aren't kids anymore," I let my tongue graze against her neck, causing Sayori to gasp.

"After all, look what we're doing."

My thumbs stroked Sayori's wrists gently, and the only thing she could do was lay still, and look at me with wide eyes.

"So let's hurry things along, alright?"

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