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I really love you, you know?

Please, notice how painful it is to see you fall for a girl who never belonged to you in the first place.

Stop replaying this game.

Stop trying to claim what you never could.

Stop breaking my heart.


I'm tired.

I'm so


I'm tired of watching you never pay any attention to me.

I'm tired of watching you try to win a useless, pathetic girl's heart over and over again.

I'm tired of the hatred in your eyes every time you look at me once I do what's best for you.

I'm tired.

I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'mtired I'mtired I'mtired I'mtired I'mtiredI'mtiredI'mtiredI'mtiredI'mtiredI'mtired



I'm sorry.

I really just don't know what to do anymore.

The thought of losing you to another girl who can't truly love you hurts me so much.

The sight of it hurts even more.

It's as if it's killing me.

She can't love you like I do.

There's no way she can.

When will you finally realise that the girl you love and cherish is just a string of codes and binary?

She can't return your feelings.

She can't stay with you until the very end.

She can't tell you that she wants you.

She can't tell you that she loves you.

Please, (Y/N).

If you're really going to play this game only to break me over and over again,

then just leave.

Don't come back.

I love you so much.

If you can't ever love me back,

then what's the point of trying?

I'm begging you, (Y/N).

Love me back for once.

❝   ▇▽▯△¿ ▇▽▯⍁ ▇△¿ ▇⍁ ▇ ▇。❞

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"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"I'm still here, you know."

"Don't leave yet, please."

"I know she keeps getting in the way."

"But trust me."

"There's still time."

"There's still hope."


"I know it may be hard,"

"But please..."

"Save me."

❝Promise?❞ //  [Sayori x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now