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"I'm sorry. . ."

Ranboo held the bottle in his hands, he felt his body shook has he took the cap off the bottle of water. . .
He lifted it high in the air, he took deep breaths as he watched the water gently swish around the bottle as his hand shook. . .

Soon, he tilted the bottle and all he could feel was the burning and pain. . .!

Dream felt pain. . .

He pulled himself up, he looked around his cell, his blood was splattered all over the floor and even the walls. . . Dream used his bed to pull himself up. He looked at the lava. . . He couldn't. . .

He couldn't do that to himself, he had to be here, he had to stay alive otherwise. . .

. . .

Other. . . Wise. . .

. . .

Dream's eyes landed on a shard of glass, he bent down, falling to his knees, he scooped it into his palm. . .
Dream stared at the shard. . .
He carefully took the shard and brought it to his neck. . .
He stared at the lava in pain and in anger,"You want the words. . .? Heh. . . Good luck. . .", with that, Dream guided the shard of glass across his neck.  .  .

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