°Chapter 19: A Plan and A Story.°

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Sam's POV~

We read through every Billiam gave us and I looked up at both Karl and Billiam,"So, he has encountered The Egg before?", Billiam nods,"Yes. The Egg tends to spread and because of that the vines also carry more eggs to have it spread more.", Sapnap nods,"Yeah, that is true. The more vines, more eggs.", "But, the Egg underground, that is the main vessel.", "Yeah.", Sapnap broke in again,"Well, why the heck is it able to control everyone?? It's just a stupid Egg.", Karl rubbed his eyes,"Ever heard of 'Make A Deal With The Devil.'? Or 'The Devil Always Lies.'?", Sapnap nods, Billiam then took a sip of the drink we had given him and he then continued,"The Egg has It's way of manipulation. Like The Devil, The Egg will offer it's victim a deal of what they most desire, but like The Devil again, it lies. I've seen it happen to my. . . Friends.", I nod again,"Do you an idea of how to destroy it?", he nods,"Yes, I do actually. 1, you break everyone free from their control and not feed The Egg, leaving it will slowly kill the vines and your second option is to blow it up from the INSIDE.", Sapnap stared at him,"The Inside??", Billiam nods,"You see, The Egg can protect itself, so if it were to open to trap another victim inside and you had something explosive then nothing would save it as nothing can save it from the inside.", Sapnap pursed his lips,"Ah. That's where we went wrong.", Tommy smirked, I turn to him,"Tom--", "TIME TO EXPLODE SOME SHIT!!!!", with that him and Sapnap. . .

As I was about to close the door, to leave Karl and Billiam alone. . .---

"You think it till destroy it?"

"Oh, it will."

"But. . . What will happen to you or the others once The Egg is destroyed?"

". . ."

"I'm sure you already have an answer, Karl. . ."

I frown. . .
I walk away and question why would The Egg effect Billiam???

Sir Billiam's POV~

Soon after we finished the drinks Phil had provided, Karl took me around me and I could see how far our future had come. . . Karl told me small stories about how much as changed from my time period, he also mentioned how a lot of people have gained rights like Black People, Asian and people with different sexualities. . .
I felt, kind of sad at that last part,"If only James was born in this time period. . .", Karl looked at me,"Wait, James is-","BI? Yes. Why did you think his wife took the kids and divorced him?", Karl looked sad,"I. . . I didn't think it was because of hid sexuality. . .", then I saw Techno and Phil passed us,"Hey, Karl and Billiam.", "Hi, mates!", Karl waved, I waved a little too. . .

I look at Karl as we walked,"So. . . Why did you kill Rich People and Poor People?", I sighed,"I. . . guess I should tell you.", Karl sat the both of down on a bench by his Library, I look at him and then at my hands. . .

"Before Butler, I had another Butler, slightly older than him. His name. . . Was also Phil. . . He looked exactly like your friend Phil, he was the only one that treated my like I was a normal person, and. . . Dare I say he was like a father figure to me. . ."

"One night though. . . My parents were ignoring me, as usual, but. . . I couldn't find Phil anywhere. . . And then. . . I heard someone screaming."

"I ran downstairs and into the room me and Phil were forbidden to go, but I was 14 and Phil said to always help someone so I ran into the room that held my Great Grand Father's Egg. . ."

". . ."

"My family. . . Killed him. . ."

"Ignoring them trying to explain themselves, I ran to Phil and held him close, blood was spilling on me and the floor, I cried. . . Begging Phil to wake up. . ."

". . . I think, when the Egg felt my hatred for them, I screamed; "YOU KILLED HIM!! YOU KILLED THE ONLY PERSON I EVER CARED ABOUT!!! I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!!!!", and so. . . The Egg strangled them all to death and soon consuming them. . ."

"As I cried, the voices of The Egg offered me a deal. . ."

"Vengeance and it promised to bring Phil back to me. . ."

". . ."

"So. . . I buried Phil in the backyard. . . And began my plan to kill the Rich People that entitle themselves. . . I try to treat Butler right, only when we are alone and not around Rich People."

I look at my hands, I blink away the tears,"It's not an excuse, for what I did. . . But, I was filled with rage and grief and I---", suddenly I felt arms around me. . . I look to see Karl had hugged me. . . I slowly hug back. . .

"Be ready. . ."

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