°Chapter 23: Figuring Things Out.°

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Ranboo's POV~

Now Karl is missing.
Luckily Dream is slowly talking, but is really quiet and doesn't really talk in long sentences, so Tommy broke the silence first,"OK; Dream why do you think Karl is in danger??", he then started to sign and talk,"Because. . . Karl knows. . . Things.", Sam frowned,"He knows things?", Dream nods,"Like. . . Things to someone to kill him??", Dream nods again, Puffy frowned,"How come he never reached out for help?", "Because. . . He. . . Didn't know. . . Who to. . . Trust.", I nod,"So, Karl apparently knows things we don't and didn't say because he didn't know who to trust?", Dream nods, Ponk frowned to himself,"I wonder what Karl knew to be afraid to tell us.", Tubbo shrugged,"I dunno. Honestly, what could be so secretive or dangerous to tell us??", Foolish sighed,"I dunno, Tubbo. A lot of people have secrets that are either private, dangerous or traumatising.", I nod,"Yeah.", Techno then spoke up,"So. Dream, can you say?", Dream shook his head,"Can't say. . . Not me to. . . Tell you.", Sam sighs,"It's best we ask Karl when we find him. Who knows who has him.", Sapnap freaking out in the other room and Skeppy was tying to calm him down, Bad looked at us,"Who would want to hurt Karl though??", Dream continued to sign as he spoke,"Someone who. . . Wants answers.", everyone was suspect at most, but most people haven't talked to Karl in a while so. . .
I then realised this was my chance! I should take this chance of Dream talking,"Dream?", he hummed, I pulled out the notes and smiley faces and placed them on the table,"Dream. . . Do you have any idea what this is exactly? Did you. . .?", when I looked up, I could see how confused him and Sam looked,"First. . . I was in a cell, with no way out. . . And. . . . That's not my signature smiley Face.", he pointed to the strange curve,"Mine is a bracket and. . . Doodle.", I never thought this whole room would drop in dead silence. . .
Because. . . If this. . . Wasn't Dream. . .

Who was sending me these. . .?


Quackity's POV~

I leaned into the walkie-talkie,"Phase 1 done. Phase 2, in action.", I,put the walkie-talkie away, I had it all ready. . .


"Hery, Erey, you feeling better sorry if--", I smirked as Foolish froze. . .
I held the knife to Eret's neck, I smirked,"Heh. I know Eret can't do shit, his powers are still coming back.", Eret was obviously scared, no matter how he hid it behind those sunglasses.
Foolish clutched his fist,"Let him go.", I shrug,"What if I don't~", he growled at gripped his trident,"Quackity. I swear.", "Oh, I hought you said you were a pacifist.", I could see his hand, a patch of it had gone black and I knew that I was doing something right, Eret shook as I pressed the blade harder,"Here's the deal, Foolish. Either you, let that demon inside you take full control. . . Or say goodbye to Eret forever.", "Foolish no. . .", I slice Eret a little in the throat,"Shush you. We're doing business.", Foolish looked at me, the knife and at Eret. . .

". . ."

"I'm sorry, Eret. . ."

Before Eret could say anything, I watched as the black over took Foolish's body fast, I quickly knock Eret out and let him fall to the floor. . .

"The Todem Of Death. . . Amazing to see you really are real. . ."

His eyes blared red,"Finally. In control of that Builder."


Sam's POV~

As Wilbur was looking through things to improve Dream's voice, like it sounded so quiet and a little hazelly.
Ponk came over,"Hey.", I smile,"Hello.", he put a hand on my shoulder,"It will be OK, Sammy. . . We'll find out who's behind this all.", I nod. . .
I hope we do. . .


Eret ran in, his had a bruise on his head and a cut on his neck,"Eret?!", Ponk and I ran to him, he looked terrified and upset,"I,
-I-Foolish!", Dream ran over,"What???", Eret took deep breaths as we sat him down,"Eret, what happened?!", he took a deep breath,"Quackity, he. . . He had me at a knife point and I couldn't comprehend anything, but this. . . This black stuff took over him and then . . .I got hit on the head.", I felt the colour drain out of my face, Ponk covered his mouth in shock and Dream looked just as scared. . .

"He. . ."

"Lost. . ."

"Control. . ."

Eret looked so confused,"Wha. . . What did he lose control of. . .", I took a deep breath and set my hands on Eret's shoulders,"Eret, I need you to listen to me. What you saw happening to Foolish isn't good, it's something in Foolish's mind that torments with thoughts that push him to let him have control. Foolish would have to remain calm a lot and take medication.", Eret was so scared and confused. . . Dream pulled Eret into a hug to calm him slightly, I turn to Ponk. . .

"We have to alert everyone."

I'm sorry Foolish. . .

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