°Chapter 5: The Search°

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George's POV~

I stormed down to my house and locked the door. . .

I sighed heavily, resting my head against the door. . .

As much as I wanted to hate Dream, I still felt some feelings for him. . .

"Hey, friend."

I turned in shock to see DreamXD,"DreamXD?!", he nods,"Mhm.", I walked up to him,"What are you doing here?! Why weren't you at that meeting!?", he smiled, like he always did,"I was at the meeting, I was just watching from afar. . .", we both fell silent, I sighed and started to look for something,"Poor Dream... Was it really that bad in that prison?", I tried to ignore him, this guy just gives off bad vibes, but as long as I be his friend, he won't do anything silly or deadly. . .

I throw on the colourblind glasses and a jacket,"George? Where are you going??", I sighed,"I'm going to help find Ranboo.", "Ooh~ Can I come??", I sighed and turned to him,"DreamXD, I have to ask you to not come. . .", he sounded sad,"Wha? Why???", I sighed,"Because no one can see or hear you, apparently. And I do not need them to throw me in a Psychical Hospital.", DreamXD sighed,"Aww. . . Alright. . .", I nod and left the house. . .

As I walked down the stairs to join my group, I really started to think. . . About how I really felt towards Dream, I mean. . . I may have fallen out of love with him, but that doesn't mean I hate him. . .

As I got to my group, Sam stood up on a platform,"Alright! Everyone that could make it! Keep your eyes out and find Ranboo! But remember that he is in his Enderman Trance. . .", I felt anxious leaving Dream alone, even if Puffy agreed to stay and watch him with Niki. . . But, had a bad feeling something was going to happen. . .

Foolish's POV~

So, I was with Eret, Purple and Hannah. . . Eret held a lantern, I had my sword, Hannah had another Lantern and Purple had his crossbow. . .
Hannah seemed anxious,"What do we do if we do find him?", I gulp,"Welp. Find a way to snap out of it.", Eret nods, fixing his glasses again, probably making sure they were on properly and his eyes weren't showing. . .
As we walked through the snow, I felt like we were being watched. . .
Eret was especially jumpy, seemed to be anxious about something, but someone was moving around us. . .

Suddenly we all jumped to an Egg Vine falling to the ground! I breathed in relief, it must have been leaned against a tree and gave out. . .
Hannah and Purple sigh with relief, I turned to Eret and he looked frozen,"Eret?", he was just. . . Standing there. . .
I turned to Hannah and Purple,"You two go on ahead, I'll be a minute.", they nod, both looking worryingly at Eret before they left. . .
I immediately turned to Eret, I put my hands on his shoulders,"Eret, are you OK??", soon, he seemed to be holding in a breath, he exhaled heavily and was just trying to take deep breaths, I was starting to get concerned,"Hey, Hey. . .", I made him look at me, I took off his glasses so he could see me a bit better,"Deep breaths. . . It's alright. . .", Eret did what he was told, slowly but surely. Once he seemed more calm and aware of his surrounding,"Hey, are you alright. . .?", Eret nods and puts his glasses back on,"Y-Yeah. . . I'm fine, it might just be from the shock of the vine.", I nod slowly. . .


I froze.

That scream. . .

Philza, Techno and Tubbo were walking around the snow bomie. . . Tommy did want to join Tubbo, but he didn't want to face Techno, so he joined Sam and George. . .
Techno waved the lantern around the woods, narrowing his eyes as snow was softly falling. . . Tubbo shook in hear, hiding behind Techno and Philza readied his bow. . .

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