°Chapter 1: One After Another.°

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Tubbo's POV~

I chuckled as Michael ran around in circles, holding his little pet chicken, I pet his head,"I have something for ya, kiddo.", he stopped and looked at me with happy eyes, I got up and pulled up a magenta hoodie with a golden star on the front. Michael jumped up and down with joy,"Star! Star! Star!", I chuckle,"Yes, a star! Just like you are.", I gently pulled it on him, it was a little big for him, it reached his kneecaps, I smiled and lifted him up high in the air,"It's a little big, but you'll grow into it buddy!", he giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck, I smiled and ruffled his hair. . .

After bidding Michael goodbye, I closed the door and pulled my coat and boots on, I had to go see Philza and Techno about something. . .

As I walked down the path to their house, I felt a bit of a lump in my throat, I took deep breaths, trying to keep calm. . .
As the house came into view, Tubbo could see Niki in the house window, Philza outside with Techno, shoveling some snow and gathering firewood. . .

"Hey, Guys!", Philza and Techno look up,"Oh, hey Tubbo!", I walked up to them,"Sorry for not warning you I was coming down to see you guys.", Philza smiled and waved his hand,"No, no, you're fine. What's up? Can we help ya??", I nod,"Yes, um. . . Actually, yeah! I have you guys seen Ranboo?? I haven't seen him since yesterday and I'm just worried that he went into the enderman walk again. . .", Techno looked up from chopping up firewood,"Wait really? Strange. Well, last we saw of him, was him going to see Sam.", I nod,"Thank you!", Philza leaned a little,"Is everything alright?", I nod,"Yep! Probably just, Enderman phase.", he nods and I turn to leave. . .

As I arrived at L'Manberg, I noticed George was talking to air. . .
I frown and just walk past him, pretending I didn't notice he was talking to thin air. . .

As I got passed him, I picked up my pace and walked down the staircase to find someone.
As I got near the prison, I saw Sam was filling in some holes in the ground,"Sam!", he looked up, he looked exhausted,"Oh  Tubbo, good morning! What can I do for you?", I sighed,"Yeah, um, sorry I was told Ranboo came down to like, see you about something and I was just wondering if you knew where he was.", he frowned,"Oh, I thought. . . I thought he said he went back home to see Michael.", I was the next to frown,"No, he uh. . . He never came back last night. . .", I think at the moment we both knew something was wrong. . .

Very wrong.

That was enough to set off an alarm. . .

Tommy's POV~

We alerted everyone, we told them to check everywhere for him!
But, it was like he was gone!
As we looked for him or anything that could tell us what happened to him. . .

Me and Tubbo went in his little house and found an open book and an empty water bottle. . .
Tubbo inhaled sharply, tears pricking in his eyes. . .
I lifted up the open book and read what it was. . .

A. . .

Fucking. Smiley Face.

Tubbo looked over my shoulder,"Tommy--", "That Green Bastard has something fucking explaining to do!!!", I shoved the book under my arm and stormed out of the house. . .

Sam, Puffy, Me, Tubbo and Sapnap stood in front of Sam, trying to convince him to confront him. But, he wasn't letting them though, but then Tommy shoved the note in his face,"Sam, do you fucking see this?! If we don't confront the fucking bastard, he will continue to do this!! So, opening the fucking vault!!", the room had a ringing silence, Sam sighed and just nods,"Fine. Fine, yes. Right away.", with that, me, Tubbo and Puffy got on the bridge. . .
Sam, hit the thing and joined us, making sure George knew how to bring them back. . .
Once we got there, I was first off and Sam opened the door,"DREAM, YOU MOTHER FUCKER, YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINONG TO DO----", I suddenly stopped. . .

Suddenly my ears were filled with the ringing of silence, and the screams of Puffy and Tubbo. . .

The walls were covered in blood. . . The floor was swept in blood. . . Laying in the corner of this cell. . .

Was Dream. . .

His once dirty blood hair was drenched in blood, his chest, arms and legs were completely covered in blood wounds and some look deep, his right eye was completely bloodied, minor cuts. . . But, in his hand was a glass shard and a throat slit across his neck. . .

I turned to the others, Puffy had fallen to her knees, crying hysterically as Sam held her up as best as he could, Tubbo was opening and closing his mouth, wanting to say something but he couldn't and George practically fell over in shock. . .

I felt like the back of my throat had become dry. . . I left the notebook slip out of my hand as we stared in horror of the man in the corner. . .


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