°Chapter 3: A Rat Among Us.°

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Tommy's POV~

The door suddenly opened after Foolish came back from getting water and calming down. . .
Puffy came out, eyes red from crying with Sam behind her, holding her shoulder, she looked up at the three of us,". . . Meeting. . . In a bit. . .", with that, she rushed out of the room with Sam following her. . .
Me, Tubbo and Foolish look at the door, Foolish was the first to enter the room, me and Tubbo slowly followed him inside the room. . .

Once we entered, my throat became more dry. . . Dream was laying on a bed, his entire body was bandaged or casted, his arm may be broken, his face plastered, bandaged, mostly around his eye and just everything about him was now. . . Broken. . .

Foolish took his hand and held it silently. . . Tubbo sat down by the foot of the bed and I remained standing away from him, not sure if this was all just an act and that he would sit up and strangle me. . .
Foolish sighed heavily,"Dream. . . I'm so sorry. . . I'm sorry we let this happen to you, that I let this happen. . .", more tears escaped from eyes,"God. . .", he rubbed his eyes, Tubbo spoke next,"What do we do. . .?", "Find them. . .", Tubbo and me turned to Foolish,"Wha. . .?", Foolish looked up at us,"Find the, daring mother fucker that did this!!", he stood up, tears streaming down his face. . .

Sam's POV~

George, Puffy, Sapnap, Hannah, Eret, Karl, Quackity, Glatt, Ponk and Purple. Just anyone that could make it where there. . .
Soon, Foolish, Tubbo and Tommy joined the meeting, I sighed heavily,"As you all know. . . Ranboo is missing and Dream has been, attacked. . .", they all remained silent as I continued,"Dream. . . Dream's slit throat is nothing too serious, he will most likely not have a voice when he wakes up or for a long while. . .", everyone looked at one another, they were suspicious of each other. . .

"He's silenced. . .",

Everyone turned to Tubbo,"S-Sorry?", he looked up at me and Puffy,"Dream is silenced. He knew so much, so now that he is permanently silenced.", Puffy looked at Tubbo with shock,"He was silenced by someone?!? Who?!?!", Tubbo held up the glass shard,"I had a theory he had silenced himself, so possibly stop something from coming from his mouth, but what??", Puffy looked horrified, everyone did. . .
I never expected Dream to go that far to hurt himself, but what did he want to silence. . .?
Foolish stood up,"When I find the fucker. . . That pushed my brother to do this to him. . . I'll MAKE THEM PAY!!", with that lighting came crashing down in the distance. . .

After the meeting, everyone splitting up to find Ranboo or to go do their own thing, I went to Dream. . .
I opened the door to the room, I went to his side and just. . .
Just thought about what I did. . .
What I caused. . .

But, there was a rat among us. . . Dream must have known something to have to silence himself. . .

But what?

Eret's POV~

Even if Foolisg was kind of sad and not very stable, we continued to figure out how to get rid of the egg, mostly looking around and collecting some samples of the Egg, the vines, the shell shed of it and more. . .
As we did, questions about this were running through my head, like what was the need for slitting his own throat, what did he actually know??
I suddenly realised someone was coming in! Foolish immediately took me and hid me behind some vines while he hid behind the egg. . .
I watched through the vines as Bad came with Ant trailing behind him, . . .

"So, Dream cut his own throat? What do you uthink Bad?"

"Honestly. I'm mad. I'm furious that someone pushed Dream to do this."

"So, what do we do??"

"For now; we continue to obey The Egg, oh. . . And might I ask if you get someone to keep an eye on Eret and Foolish?"

"What why?"

"Well~ A little Birdy told me that Foolish and Eret have some type of history. I want to know more about this history. And keep them out of the way of The Egg."

The mention of my past again!? Am I really that stuipd, even Bad knows something is up with Foolish and I!??
As they talked more about The Egg, I started to get this overwhelming headache. . .
As Bad and Ant left to find the others of their cult, I came out from behind the vines and just held my head in agony from the pain. Foolish came over to me,"Hey, Eret? You alright?", "Yeah, just a headache. . .", Foolish nods,"OK. . . Maybe we should take what we have and just have a break for the rest of the day.", I look up and nod. . .

Karl's POV~

"Ranboo!?!?!", I decided to go see if I could find him myself, I didn't want to slow down my finances. . .
As I walked through the snow bomie, trying to find Ranboo,"Ranboo!!!", I cuffed my hands around my hands around my mouth to make my voice louder. . .




I was suddenly struck with pain, I fell in the snow on my side. . . I slowly reached up to my face and felt some type of cut on my right cheek. . .
I looked up and saw an Enderman, I immediately closed my eyes and fle tmy body shake furiously. . .
Suddenly two Enderman screaming at one another, I look up and noticed how the one that attacked me was now attacking another Enderman. . .
I looked up more, I froze. . .

Ranboo .

He continued to beat and slash the Enderman to death, and soon the enderman fell the ground. . .
I let out a shakey breath as I pulled myself up form the snow,"R. . . Ran. . . ?", but before I could speak another further, his whipped his head towards me, I jolt back in fear. . .

His eyes. . .

They were purple purple with seemly purple tears running down his face, I backed up. . .
He stared at me, before he teleported away. . .
Suddenly the breath I was holding in, I exhaled and inhaled, trying to breath. . .
But, I had to run. . .

After I got on my house, I looked in the mirror. . .

I had a claw mark across my right side

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I had a claw mark across my right side. . . I inhaled sharply before I stared to treat it. . .

I did what I could, but it hurt like hell. . . I put a bandage on my face, took a deep breath and left the house to find Tubbo and tell him that Ranboo was out of it. . .

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