°Chapter 22: Missing.°

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Bad's POV~

I held both Skeppy and Sapnap close to me,"I'm so sorry!!", "Dad, it's OK. . .! You didn't mean to hurt us. . .!", I was crying, Skeppy and even Sapnap. . .
The Egg's control slowly left me and the others, their eyes slowly turned back to their normal colour, Skeppy turned back to blue and I got my old form back. . .
Hannah was apologising to Foolish and Puffy so many times, Ponk and Sam were talking about everything and getting everything straight, Skeppy and I had to make up a lot from the lost time, Punz said he had to go find someone and Ant said the same. . .
As I held my son in my arms again, I felt so much joy from being able to hold my own child close to me again, Sapnap look up at me,"Dad. . . Please, don't leave me again. . .", I held him close,"I won't. . .! Neither of us will ever leave you again. . .!", Skeppy joined the hug and the family was back together. . .
Sapnap then fell asleep in my arms, I smiled down and looked at Skeppy,"I'm so sorry, Skeppy. . .", he took my hand,"No. . . I'm sorry, I didn't know at the time that you were being control so. . . I tired to destroy The Egg.", I nod and kiss Skeppy on the cheek, and he smiled. . .
Puffy then came over,"Bad. . . I'm so sorry. . .", I look up,"I'm sorry that I, stopped you from seeing Sapnap. . .", I nod,"Thank you. . .", "It's just. . . *sighs* I was. . . A terrible mother, when I had Foolish and Dream. . . And. . . I didn't want to remake that mistake with other kids. . .", Skeppy turned to her,"You. . . Weren't there for them?", she shook her head with tears in her eyes. . .

As Puffy explained her story, how her job kept her away from Foolish and Dream, how Sam and Ponk mostly looked after them to the point of Dream thinking Ponk was his mom. . .

Wait. . . So, little Dream thought Ponk and Sam were his parents?
That actually explains why his behaviour, he acted more like Ponk and Sam then Puffy and why Puffy always hated Ponk. . .


After Puffy explained, she left us be. . . Sapnap was asleep, peaceful back in my arms. . .

George's POV~

Everyone was reunited with their loved ones, I sighed and left. . .
Dream was probably with Wilbur, I wish I tried to understand him more. . .
I then realised, Karl went off to find Billiam, didn't he? I frown,"Karl??", I started to look around the area, calling his name as loud as I could. . .


As I got to The Community house, I noticed there was some dust on the board walk, I frown,"Karl??", then I noticed something in the water. . .
I bent down to try and grab it, then I got on my knees and reached into the water. . .

I pulled out a hair clip. . .

Karl's Hairclip. . .
I quickly waved it in the air, but as I looked around. . .
I couldn't see Karl, and I have never seen Karl without his hairclip. . .

I then see it. . .

A bloody baseball bat. . .



Ponk's POV~

So, me and Sam took a walk after the red disappeared from my eye colour, I was more than happy to see Sam slowly going back to his normal self. . . Both The Egg and The Prison destroyed us, kept us apart and now. . .
Sam kept looking at my hand, I had gotten a mechanical arm, I smiled at him and took his hand,"It's OK. . . We were both not ourselves when it all happened. . .", Sam didn't seem convinced, I don't blame him. . .
Even if we both weren't talking, I feared for him going back to his roots of not taking care of himself and putting others before him, and Sam feared for him and he made it obvious. . .
I was glad The Prison and The Egg were gone, so now I could see Sam again, and of course Dream and Foolish again. . .


As I was catching up with Foolish,"GUYS!", we turn to see George running towards us,"Guys! Guys!", "Oh, George, what's up?", he took a minute to catch his breath,"Have. . . Have you seen Karl?!", we all shook our heads,"No, sorry. Why has something happened?", George groaned,"I can't find him! He left the cave when he couldn't find Billiam, I checked the Community House, I found his clip in the water and a bloody bat and I---. . . Dream?", I frown and we turn to Dream. He was signing out something, but he was moving his hands to fast,"Dream, Dream. Your moving your hands too fast.", Dream realised that and slowed down and. . .

I felt my stomach turned. . .

"Karl may be in grave danger, someone must have heard a conversation with him and Billiam and so he was attacked."

"Are you sure this is alright to do, Fundy from Nas Vegas??"

"Yeah. Bosses orders. Apparently this guy is our answer."

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