°Chapter 12: Breakfast Issues°

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Karl's POV~

How did it come to this?
Basically, Tubbo asked me to write what I know about Enderman, I knew a lot, maybe because I'm afraid that one day Ranboo will turn evil and try and murder us all like the other night. . .

"Hey, Karl?"

I look up from the table to see Ranboo,"Yes? What's up?","Can I talk to you in private?", I shrug,"Sure.", I closed the notebook and followed Ranboo into the Community House. . .
Once inside, he turned to me,"Sorry for taking you away from your breakfast and work.", I smiled,"No, it's fine. I wasn't that hungry anyway. What's up?", Ranboo seemed hesitant before he pulled something out of his pocket. . .

The Golden Goggles. . .

Ranboo held them up to me,"Where did you find these??", I look at them and then at him,"I uh, found them. . .", he slowly nods,"Strange, it's just these are a family possession.", I raised my eyebrow a little,"Huh? Really??", Ranboo nods and then points to where a crest was, it was on a part of the band. . .
It was strange, the crest was had a circle, two books and a grass block.
Ranboo looked at them,"Surprised you found these, didn't expect you to find these.", "Yeah, they're from your mother's side of the family, right?", Ranboo blinked and turned to me, clearly surprised,"H-How did you know they were from my mother's side of the family?", I froze. . .

Shit. I forgot, I'm still waking up!

I snapped out of it when I felt a hand on my shoulder,"Karl, you alright?", "I-Uh. . .", I tried to look him in the eyes. . .
I thought for a moment his eyes went purple and gold for a moment, I backed up in fear, Ranboo seemed surprised but that turned to concern,"Karl. . .?", I took a deep breath,"I-I'm sorry Ranboo, I have to go. . .", "Wait, did I--", I quickly left. . .

Ranboo's POV~

I tired to run after him, but he was gone. . . I looked at the family goggles. . .

Where did he find these. . .?

I walked back to the others and noticed Tommy talking with Tubbo, he looked very. VERY. Annoyed.
I walked over,"Hey, guys? What's up, what's going on??", Tommy rolled his eyes,"Don't worry about it.", Tubbo looked very uncomfortable. . . Or sad. . .?

What were they talking about. . .?

Wilbur's POV~

I opened my eyes, I realised I had fallen asleep. . . I then realised I had my arms wrapped around someone. . .
I looked and saw Dream, I felt my face heat up a little. . .
I smiled and got up, but made sure to not wake Dream up. . .
I grabbed my beanie and glasses, I want food and I might grab some food for Dream too, and get a drink to help his throat. . .
As I left, I walked over to where the food was. . .
Of course, everyone heard I was back, but they were all pretty chill after I literally went around apologising to everyone I could, I still had to talk to Eret, but. . .

I then pass Tommy and Tubbo,". . . Can't believe Philza is that Gullible to forgive him.", I stopped dead in my tracks. . .
I turned to him,"Tommy.", he looked up and froze. . .
Puffy came over and slightly hit Tommy on the head,"Tommy!", I sent a glare,"You say another damn thing about my father, I'll send you back to Limbo, Thomas.", he immediately paled. . .

"Thanks for telling me how ya feeling Tommy. Does that mean I shouldn't have believed you when me and Techno helped you in excile?"

We all froze.
We turned and saw Philza. . .
He smiled sadly, had tears in his eyes. . .

Tommy immediately straighted up,"P-Phil, I--", "No. I get it.", he then took a glass of water and left. . .

I slapped Tommy across the face before I went after my Dad. . .

I found him inside the room he was in for a bit, he had tears running down his face, I sat down next to him, I wrap my air around him,"Dad. . .", he leaned in a little,"Will. . . Tommy's right. . . I'm too trusting. . .", "No, no Dad.", I hug him,"Dad, you just have a kind heart. . . Tommy doesn't understand what's like to be you, me, Techno or Dream. . .", he nods,"I guess. . .", he smiled and I smiled back,"I promise Dad, I won't hurt you. . . Or anyone. . .", he smiled. . .

Soon, I noticed Techno came in with breakfast for us,"Delivered a plate and drink to Dream, I also got you all this.", Philza smiled and wiped his tears. . .

I promise to hurt Tommy for this. . .

Sam's POV~

After making sure Dream's neck, and replacing the bandage,"Dream?", he looked up at me,"I-. . . Why didn't you. . .?", he smiled and held up his hands,"I get why you did it. Working in a prison does do something to a person and you were already dealing with The Egg, so understandable.", I smiled,"Dream. . . Thank you. . .", he smiled. . .

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