°Chapter 21: Blowing This Shit Up!°

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Sam's POV~

Once we got back to L'Manberg, Foolish had Eret lay down on a bed to recover. . . Eret has many powers that are laying dormant for a long time, but for now. . . We have to get rid of the issue. . .

The Egg.

As Foolish and Puffy attended to Eret, I went to Sapnap, Tommy and Karl to see the TNT was going. . .

And they managed to get a lot. Although, Karl was still stressing this concerns about Billiam sacrificing his life for us, but Billiam kept reassuring and calming Karl down, promising it would be alright. . .

. . .

Soon, Tommy and Sapnap seemed to have enough TNT to it up from the inside. . .
Karl was obviously scared, and Billiam was doing what he could to calm him and Sapnap helped him and Tommy gave everyone a smile,"Let's get rid of this pest once and for all.", I nod but hopefully Karl's nerves will calm down. . .


Ponk's POV~

My head was killing me. . .

I opened my eyes and realised I was hanging upside-down above The Egg,"W-What the?! Why am I??!?", "Hello, Ponk.", I look to see Bad, Skeppy, Punz, Hannah and Ant,"Guys?! What the hell, why am I up here?!?", Bad smiled,"Well, The Egg has informed us that you aren't following it's orders anymore. Why not?", I growl and try to untie my feet from the vines,"BECUASE THE EGG IS LIKE WHAT KALR SAID, A DEVIL THAT WILL LIE TO GET WHAT IT WANTS!!!", Hannah giggled,"You fight against it, why~? None of us have a reason to not break free and yet, you do? What is your reason or. . .WHO is your reason. . .", I could feel my face heat up, she knew, she knew already. . .

. . .

"You love for Sam is strong, huh.", I glare down at them and then I notice a lot of members of the SMP were sneaking around this place. . . I glare down at them again,"SHUT UP, HANNAH!!!", Bad chuckled,"Love. It is strong. But is it strong enough to protect you?", with that The Egg opened, and the vines began to lower me, I struggled and yelled but. . .

. . .


The vines then stopped, we all turned to see everyone had untied to defeat The Egg, but the strange thing is. . . Karl's voice seemed to have a bugger effect on Tjhe Egg than Bad did.
But The Eggpire drew their swords and the vines around them also prepared to attack them all. . .


I could only watch as they all pulled their weight and cut and slashed at vines. . . I could only try and cut the vines from around my ankles!


I look to see a lookalike of Techno, but he held a bunch of TNT, I then realised what he wanted. He then threw them at me, I caught them, The Egg than started to plead for me to stop, saying all these things but---


I turn to Karl, I could see he looked desperate. . . . But what was he talking about? Are the voices. . . Different people. . .

"Kill. . . Us. . ."

I was in shock, but I light up the TNT and threw down the TNT inside of The Egg and it actually takes it, I covered my ears and head and waited for the bang. . .

Karl's POV~

I sat up and realised how blurry everything was, my head was spinning and I could feel nothing but pain all over my body. . . I crawl to my feet and look around. . . Everyone was either unconscious or just waking up, I then saw it. . .

The Egg. . . It was. . .

Gone. . .

I breathed as the ringing stopped, hearing my joy and everyone else also having celebrations as they woke up from the explosions. . .!
Turns out, Hannah, Skeppy, Ant, Punz and Ponk were all freed from The Egg's control, there many apologises and crying. . .
Everyone was now reunited with their family, brother or lover. . .

Then. . . I noticed Billiam was gone. . . I frown, he wasn't anywhere in the crator. . .

I left the cave, dusting myself up from the explodstion,"Billiam??? Billiam??", as I walked around, I then saw him,"Billiam! Why weren't you in the cave?? We defeated The Egg, are you---", I froze. . .

Sir Billiam turned around and saw his hand had started to decay, his hand slowly starting to dust. . .
He looked at me sadly,"As I said Karl. . . I wouldn't be here for long. . .", I felt. . . Tears in my eyes, as mush as Sir Billiam hurt and scared me, I'd finally got to know him. . . And. . . Sir Billiam walked towards me, and smiled,"Karl. You are a very unique individua that I ever had the pleasure of meeting.", I felt tears run down my face, hearing that from him, it hurt. . . Sir Billiam wiped a tear and the grey had now started to scatter more through his body,"Stay good, Karl. . .", "Billiam. . . It's time to go. . .", I was shocked, Sir Billiam turned to see. . .

The Ghost Of His Old Butler, Phil.

Sir Billiam walked towards him and embraced him, the Butler version of Phil smiled at me,"Thank you. . .", with that they both faded. . .

I stood there. . .  Tears falling down my face, I try and collect myself and wip my tears as best as I could. . .
I hope them all peace. . .

Then a hard whack came. . .!

I held my head for a moment before I fell down onto the grass, feeling my conscious start to go. . .
The last thing I saw. . .

Was a Fox tail. . .

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