°Chapter 15: Magic?. . .°

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Tubbo's POV~

As I read through Karl's notes on the Enderman, I turn to Karl, who was now resting his head on the table,"So, Enderman technically have magic??", he nods,"Yeah, depending on their kind, but since Ranboo seems to be a mix of 3, he's a pretty powerful Enderman.", I then leaned closer to him,"Does anyone else have magic here??", Karl lifted his head,"I'm not too sure. . . You can ask around. . .", I nod and ran off with his book. . .

I ran over to George and Sapnap,"Hey, guys!", they turn to me,"Hey, Tubbo, what's up you look excited?", I nod and held up Karl's book,"Do you guys know anyone with powers here, like Ranboo??", Sapnap smirked,"Hell yeah!", he held out hand and flames appeared, I was astonished,'Oooh~", George smiles,"Part demon, I'm probably the only human here like Tommy or Eret.", Sapnap made his flames vanish,"Pretty cool, eh?", I nod,"Anyone else??", Niki then came over,"Most of the people here that have magic are either children of a demon or a powerful person, or a God like Foolish.", Sapnap nods,"Yee!", I smiled,"I have make notes!", with that I ran off to find Ranboo so we could test his powers. . .

Foolish's POV~

As me and Eret cut down some more, I decided to tell him,"Hey, Eret?","Hm?", I throw aside a vine,"Remember how I said The Eggpire knocked you out and tried to feed you to The Egg?", he nods,"Yeah, you did mention that what about it?", I sigh and turn to him,"Eret. . . You-. . . You took down all three of them. . .", Eret stared at me, blinked a few times behind his glasses,"W-Wha, how?", I think for a moment,"Here, let me show you what I mean.", I put down an axe and quickly swiped his sunglasses,"H-Hey! Foolish!", "Stare at the axe. Focus all your emotions on it.", he looked at me, thinking I was insane, but he turned his head to the axe and stated at it. . .

I then ducked from the axe getting frown at me!

Eret was frozen, he turned and stared at the axe that was now deep into the wall,"I-It-Wa-I. . . Huh?", I quickly sat Eret down as his face lost a little colour in his face,"Hey, hey. . .", Eret looked at me,"H-Ho. . . How did I. . .?", I then had to break it to him,"Eret. . . Has this ever happened before. . .?", he gulped and slowly nods,"Y-. . . Yeah. . . Sometimes. . . Back in L'manberg, the uh Castle or. . . Or when I'm stressed. . .", I sighed,"I know. . .", Eret looked at me,"Wha?", "Eret.", I turn to him,"Like me, you have powers. . . Powers you don't seem to remember. . .", he stared at me. . .
"I'm sorry, what.", I nod, he was in shock. . . I noticed how his eyes started to glow again and then I knew it was time to calm him,"Hey, hey, Eret. . .! Look at me. . .", he did, I could see he had tears in his eyes and his breathing was heavy,"Follow my breathing. . . Try and focus. . .", Eret did, I gently run a hand through his hair, calming him slowly. . .
Eret's eyes slowly lost their glow and he rested his head on my shoulder,". . .*sobs*. . .", I hold Eret close,"Shh. . . Shh. . .", ". . . The others. . . They'll call me. . . A freak. . .!", Foolish looked at his old pal, he could see how this place emotionally broke him down, Foolish knew a lot about Eret's past. . . Eret hide his face in my shoulder,"Tommy. . . Saw-Saw my eyes. . . A-And he screamed. . . And called me. . . A monster. . .", I rub circles into his back, how could he be comfortable around Bad's eyes and yet not around Eret,"I-I'm trying t-to change, but h-how can I-I if no one gives me-me a chance.", I hold him close, whispering comforting things in his ear. . .

. . .

Guess Tommy has a lot to learn about Eret and I. . .

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