°Chapter 8: Problems.°

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Sapnap's POV~

We had to leave Puffy and Sam had to check that everything was alright with Dream, making sure he was able to move and find a way for him to communicate. . .


Everyone's head shoot up.
That scream. . .
Me and Quackity look at one another,"Karl!", we both immediately got up and ran towards the scream. . .

Quackity threw open the doors of his Casino and we were both frozen in shock. . .

Karl was frozen in a corner, completely scared and had tears running down his face. . . But in front of him was Jschlatt, holding a pool table stick,

(This is what is what it is, if you pronounce it differently.)

it's tip was covered in black stuff as well as Jschlatt's Casino Uniform

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it's tip was covered in black stuff as well as Jschlatt's Casino Uniform.
At his feet were two hooded people, one was still moving but the Jschlatt takes the stick and shoves it in their face!

Quackity was the first to speak,"W-What the fuck?!?!", Jschlatt looked up at us,"What. You said to defend the Casino. These things tried to grab your fiance.", I immediately rushed to Karl, he immediately wrapped his arms around me,"Hey, hey. . . We're here, it's alright. . .", Karl hid his face in my shoulder. . . Jschlatt took out the Casino jacket thing,"Gotta wash this.", his clothes were nearly covered in black stuff, as well as his face. . .
Sam ran in and saw the scene,"Dear God, what is all this?!", Quackity turned to him,"Apparently these people broke in and tried to hurt Karl!", Jschlatt nods, Sam kneels down and looks at the bodies. . .

Jschlatt then turned to Karl,"Ey, Karl?", he slowly turned to Jschlatt, tears staining his face,"I need to talk to you. In private.", Karl looked at me, obviously still shaken and scared,"Hey, hey. . . he won't hurt you, if he does we'll stop him.", Karl nods slowly, he slowly pulled himself up and walked to Jschlatt who then took him over to the Bar Section of the Casino. . .

Whilst Jschlatt was talking to Karl about something, me, Quackity and Sam checked the bodies. . .
But once we removed the hoods. . .

. . .

They had no face.

It was literally made of black stuff! Like a Skelton???
But then they slowly disintegrated, leaving their black robes behind. . .
Sam stared at us,"What the fuck. . .", Quackity looked just as shocked,"Wh-What are these things?!", I shrug,"I-I don't know. . .!", as Sam and Quackity checked the robes, I looked over at Karl and Jschlatt.
Jschlatt seemed to be . . . Concerned? Karl looked sad but was nodding,"Promise?", "Yes, Jschlatt. . .", "Good.", I frown as they come back,"Everything alright?", Karl nods and just hugs me,"He's fine, I just had to remind him of something.", Karl nods, I run my hand through his hair. . .

Puffy's POV~

Foolish hugged his little brother close, tears running down his face,"Thank Goodness. . . You're alright. . .!", Dream nods. . .
After Foolish released his brother, now around Dream was myself, Tommy and Foolish. . .
I took a deep breath,"Duckling. . . Did you really do that to yourself. . .?", Dream slowly lifted his left arm and sighed sign language to talk,"Yes.", I cover my mouth in shock, Foolish looked down and Tommy was just as shocked,"W-Wha. . . What the fuck, why?!","I did it to be silenced. If I still had my voice, we would all be screwed by now, Tommy.", Tommy frowned,"What so you mean??", "Yeah, little brother, what do you mean??", Dream looked at me,"Remember how you said people can take advantage of power like mine and Foolish, right?", I nod,"Yes, Of Course.", Dream gulped,"Well, when Tommy told everyone how he came back to life, someone wanted to use my power to bring someone back to life that wasn't Ghostbur.", Foolish was in shock,"What?! Who?!? Is it the same person who did this to you?!!", Dream nods slowly, I sat up more,"Who. Who hurt you?? Don't lie to me.", Sam then quietly entered the room.  .  . Tommy was definitely on an edge for some reason, wonder what happened. . .

Dream lifted his hand and spelled out the world.  .  .

"Hey, Eret?"

"Hm? Oh, hey. . ."

"I know, you probably hate me, but can we talk for a moment??"

". . ."

"Sure, I guess."

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