°Chapter 13: You Lied!?°

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Tommy's POV~

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I still felt the sting from his slap. . .

I walked off not long after he hit me. . . I rubbed my eyes, I wasn't wrong that Philza was nothing more than an idiot for believing Wilbur so easily and yet, here we are. . .
Him believing that son of a bitch changed. . . I'll expose him for what he truly is, both him and Dream. . .

Foolish's POV~

I opened my library and immediately went to the Greek God Section, as well Minecraft Gods Books. . .
I scaned and took out the books that may contain the knowledge I need. . .
I open the first book and sure enough, that had an answer to the Prison's name. . .

Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology connected with the myth of Pandora in Hesiod's Works and Days. In modern times an idiom has grown from it meaning "Any source of great and unexpected troubles", or alternatively "A present which seems valuable but which in reality is a curse".
--Greek God.

As I read more into it, it seemed like a 'Curiosity Killed The Cat.', apparently if someone opened it, sickness, death and more would happen.
Like; the more Tommy vists Dream the more curiosity grows and he keeps going back in that prison, only having bad luck, his death and Ghostbur's death. . .
I closed the book and opened another one, this time about the powers of life and death. . .

Memnon, who was killed by Achilles, seems to have received a similar fate. Alcmene, Castor, Heracles, and Melicertes, were also among the figures sometimes considered to have been resurrected to physical immortality.

Hm. Also, interesting. I wonder if there are gods who have to power if literal life and death, like Dream, it could explain how he got the book when we were kids. . .
I flipped through a few more pages of the text to see if there was anything. . .

. . .

And, nothing.
Nothing about any specific God having that power, so I'll need to think of another way. . .

I took out another book, only this time on Minecraft Gods. . .
I knew what I was looking for, but I wanted to be sure and. . . Since we haven't seen him in so long. . .

Herobrine is said to be Notch's dead brother, somehow embedded into Minecraft.

Ghost aside, there are two plausible canon theories remaining.

Herobrine shows a lot of characteristics of being a form of virus, such as manipulating game worlds, deleting threads and sending messages through the Minecraft Forums. Perhaps also hacking into Notch's email and Twitter to reply on his own existence. Or, Herobrine is simply a figment of the users imagination. All users the user talked to, including Notch's email reply, could simply be the creation of the player's mind. This would also explain Notch's rejection of the canon, as showing the story is all in the user's head.

Herobrine. . .

A mysterious God of Evil and Destruction. . .

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