Why I hate Death Battle and Why Archie Sonic vs Wally West is Wrong

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So this is basically a two parter/follow up from my old deviantart. In that earlier post it was during the lead up to Shadow Vs Ryuko. I was mad because I had the feeling that they brought shadow onto death battle again just so he can lose again. I said that because it's true. Shadow has been treated poorly in death battle since the start. But I watched it and..... I was wrong. In fact I was really surprised. I actually really liked that episode. Hell, I'll even go as far to say that it's my favorite Death battle ever. Shadow was downplayed like I thought. Like saying how in his base form he wasn't faster than light. Which is BS. Which is mainly from another death battle I'll talk about later. But at least they acknowledged him fighting Solaris. Which puts him a universal to multiversal level. They talked about it when they brought up Ryuko's universal feat from the kill la kill game. And they said shadow's was not only canon but it was far above Ryuko still. That made me happy. Also the music was excellent. It perfectly showed off his abilities and speed. Even though the keep saying super shadow has a time limit. It doesn't it's a gameplay mechanic. The build up was also fun. Looking online and talking to others about this battle and how flawed this show is. Shadow's TRUE feats and how much of a stomp this was. Honestly this should've been shadow's first death battle. Since the other ones were trash. Anyway talking about death battle itself. Has my opinion on this channel changed? After making my favorite episode ever? I've been talking pretty positively for the most part, so that means everything is fine.....right?

No. Not even close. This episode was just a mere flicker of light in a vast ocean of darkness that is death battle. The fact that this show is so biased is what severely ruins the experience. It sucks. I hate the fact that I have to hate this show. It has amazing potential. But it seems like every time I'm cool with this show I get stabbed in the back. I was enjoying season 5 and it had some great episodes. Like Smokey vs McGruff Sora vs pit crash vs Spyro. But then Mario vs sonic 2018 happened and I just started hating this show again. The amount of bias and downplay was unreal. They purposely lowballed sonic and left out key feats and abilities so Mario fans could be satisfied. Well they weren't because 1. I'm a Mario fan and I was unhappy and 2 Mario fans agreed and said sonic should've won. So season 7 happens and I mostly got over Mario vs sonic. Then Wally west vs Archie sonic is revealed. I'm like ok. This is their chance to gain my trust again. Everyone was saying Archie sonic was gonna win. Including animation rewind who did the same fight with Wally and Barry and they both lost. And then Archie was downplayed. I was surprised but not. It was basically Mario vs sonic 2018 and Ben 10 vs Hal all over again. That fight got me back into death battle and this happens. And it joins the rest of the controversial and wrong death battle club like Yang vs tifa gaara vs toph Goku vs Superman 1 and 2 Mewtwo vs shadow Tracer vs scout. All examples of characters being downplayed and them being biased.
It's gotten so bad that I myself and others groan when we see a DC character in death battle. Because we know no matter what they won't lose unless it's against marvel. Don't you think that's sus? That in all of death battles they never lost to a non marvel character? Because they like to downplay characters like Goku and Ben and sonic and buff their opponents by doing composite no limit fallacy feats. If Ben 10 vs green lantern was bad then I think we can all agree that sonic vs flash is just a cherry on top of that shit sundae. I don't know if or when I'll get over Flash vs sonic. It just pissed me off. Flash fans said sonic should've won. But dc bias says no sonic HAS to lose. Thats why I hate death battle. The sheer amount of disappointment and anger was too much.
But you're probably thinking senranfan just don't take these seriously. It's just a YouTube channel doing it for fun I hear you say. Well first of all I don't take these seriously, two it's hard when you have idiots online who believe this and act like it's fact. It's just like game theory and film theory where people will agree with it and act like it's set in stone even though they've been debunked and are outdated. Just know when you search a certain death battle and you see one of the following as an option: alternate ending, Reddit, debunked, then that probably means something's wrong. This show is like that one kid in school. They have amazing potential but the squander every chance they have. I hate how cocky they are and act like every death battle is right. Even when proven wrong. If I make a mistake of you guys prove me wrong I'll admit it. I've just come to the conclusion that death battle will never change and that as long as it's still around it'll never get better and none of its problems with be addressed. That's why I hate death battle. Cammy vs Jade coming soon. This week probably
Bye. Don't trust death battle.

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