Darth Vader Vs Raiden (Star Wars Vs Metal Gear)

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Death battle track would be called: Force and vengeance

Boomstick: I will never get tired of how badass cyborgs are. And you know how to make them even better?

Wiz: Give them a sword that cuts through anything?

Boomstick: Exactly! Like Darth Vader, the deadly Sith Lord.

Wiz: And Raiden, the cyborg Ninja.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armors and skills to see who would win in a Death Battle.

Darth Vader Forces himself in a Death Battle

Wiz: Darth Vader. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, this guy was one of the deadliest threats around.

Boomstick: At first, his name was Anakin Skywalker, sold to slavery on the desert planet on Tatooine.


Real Name: Anakin Skywalker
Height: 6'8 (2.03 m)
Weight: 300 lbs (120 kg)
Age: 46
Wiz: Trained under Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenopi, Anakin quickly became one of the most powerful Jedi, and many thought he was the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force. As a Jedi, Anakin was caring and compassionate, but he had a fear of loss.

Boomstick: As he got older, he became a really whiny douche!

Wiz: He couldn't accept loss and pain, and he sought new powers to try to "fix" his problems. After a premonition his wife's death, he felt he needed to turn to the dark side of the force for answers.

Boomstick: Anakin found out he was excellent at murdering people, and slaughtered nearly all of the Jedi Order.

Wiz: As a result, he broke up with his master, and then fell into a pool of lava. Anakin got some intense reconstructive surgery before becoming the dark lord of the sith, Darth Vader.

Boomstick: Vader was not the arrogant, whiny bitch he was anymore. Now, he was a badass with a cool voice to go along with it!

Wiz: Vader now was kept alive by his dark armor, a life support system that also served as intimidation towards enemies. It enchanced his vision, hearing, and phyiscality. He could now lift several hundred pounds and leap dozens of feet into the air without using the force.


Life support system
Resistant to energy blades, extreme hot and cold, blasters, and lightsaber blows
Made of durasteel, created from carvanium, lommite, carbon, meleenium, neutronium, and zersium
Approximately 300,000 times stronger than steel
Boomstick: Sadly, when giving him his new suit, they didn't do it perfectly. A lot of his armor was mismatched. His raspy breathing, while cool as shit, kept him awake, and the control panel on his chest would sometime beep for no reason.

Wiz: These faults were likely included on purpose, because Emperor Palpatine may have feared Vader would become stronger than himself. It caused problems at first, but he changed his fighting styles to fit his new body. His systems are vulnerable to electric overlord, but if the worst happens, the force can sustain himself for several hours.


Hilt is composed of alloy metal and carbon composite materials
A complex array of multiple lightsaber crystals within the handle of the weapon allow the user to extend the weapon's blade
Standard blade length: 1.3 meters | 4 feet and 9 inches
Length of blade when extended: 3 metres | 9 feet and 8 inches
Boomstick: Vader's main weapon is a lightsaber. Unlike normal lightsabers, which are badass enough already, he can double it's length. However, he needs to consult a doctor if he uses it for more than 4 hours.

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